Students will define and classify resources from the Chesapeake Bay watershed in order to describe how each of these organisms interacts.
Different areas of the world have varying amounts of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources available. These resources may be utilized in many ways based on human needs. Obtaining and utilizing these resources will have a direct affect on the quality of the environment in a given area.
Computers with internet access or relevant printouts from the websites mentioned within lesson
For this unit all work should complete in the interactive notebook.
Teacher will provide various resources that can be found in the Chesapeake Bay. When possible, live specimens should be shown; otherwise pictures, or descriptions, will suffice. Examples can be found on this website:
Students will take these resources and group them by type (it is suggested that students be broken into groups and are allowed to develop their own classifications). For differentiation of lesson, the following groupings may be suggested: plants, animals, and non-living resources.
As a class, review the classifications that the students have created.
Students should explore the following website:
This website describes several plant and animal resources that can be found in the bay.
As a class, develop a definition of “resource” as applied to the Chesapeake Bay. Suggested definition: Anything in the environment that is used by people. Individually, students should complete the Chesapeake Bay Resource Organizer. At this time, teacher may revisit the classifications that were made before reading.
Students should choose one resource found the Chesapeake Bay that they feel is most important to their life, and explain why.
If the bay grass population were to decrease, how would this affect the resource that you chose?
Lesson Files
CB Resource Organizer
Interactive Notebook