Students create stations with interpretive labels that teach others about signs of animals and what they eat.
Students will be able to:
- point out evidence of what animals live on the study site an what they eat
- communicate their knowledge
For the Class:
- field guides
For each group of 3-4 students:
- copy of "Challenge Sheet"
- 3-4 5" x7" index cards or pieces of oak tag
- 3-4 pieces of string or yarn to hang cards
- magic marker
- copy of "Who Eats What" guide
For each student:
- copy of "Scoring Sheet"
- copy of "Group Work Evaluation"
- copy of "Reflections"
Lesson Files
Outdoor Study Stations
Eco Inquiry's Multiple Forms of Assessment- contains "Group Work Evaluation" and "Reflections"
Who Eats What Guide
Benchmarks for Science Literacy
5A Diversity of Life, 12D Communication SkillsNYS Standards
MST 4- Physical setting, living environment and nature of science, ELA 1- Language to collect and interpret information and understand generalizations, ELA 4 - Language for communication and social interaction with a wide variety of peopleCredits
Hogan, Kathleen. Eco-Inquiry: A Guide to Ecological Learning Experiences for the Upper Elementary/Middle Grades. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, PO Box 1840, 4050 Westmark Drive, Dubuque, IA 52004-1840., 1994.