Day in the Life Data (External Site)
Expanded metadata and resources
For one day in October of each year, students (from elementary school to college) and teachers join together to participate in this Hudson River sampling event. Groups from Manhattan to Troy collect a variety of river data including salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and fish abundance. By collecting the same types of data from the same sites each year, the Day in the Life helps create annual snapshots of the river that can be used to compare how river conditions vary by location and over time.
This event is coordinated by the Hudson River Estuary Program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. Each year they compile the data and add it to an online archive that is freely accessible for classrooms to use.
If your class participated in the Day in the Life we welcome and encourage you to use your group's data in your Data Jam project. The strongest and most interesting projects will compare data between variables, across years, or in different sites. Good luck, and have fun!