Students design and set up model waste disposal systems that will help biodegradable plastic bags decompose
Students will be able to: explain why biodegradable items don't always decompose after they're thrown out, and suggest ways to promote their decomposition, communicate and support their ideas using a model and written design specifications, be aware of the complexity of the garbage crisis, and the potential roles of technology and citizens in solving it.
Sessions 1 and 2
For each student:
- copy of the "Challenge Sheet"
- copy of the "Design Specs Sheet"
- copy of the "Scoring Sheet" (optional)
Session 1
For the class:
- several non-biodegradable plastic bags
- several biodegradable plastic bags
- 1-liter plastic soda bottle
- 2 cups of soil
- watering device
- piece of biodegradable plastic bag, approximately 13 x 20 cm
For the teacher:
- pushpin
- pair of sharp, pointed scissors
- pair of plastic gloves (optional)
Session 2
For the class:
- large bag of soil
For each group of 2-4 students:
- 2-liter soda bottle
- pair of scissors
- piece of biodegradable plastic bag, approximately 13 x 20 cm
- cup for scooping soil
For each student:
- copy of "Portfolio Cover Sheet" (see "Eco-Inquiry's Multiple Forms of Assessment")
- copy of "Group Work Evaluation" (see "Eco-Inquiry's Multiple Forms of Assessment")
See Lesson Resources for further details.
Lesson Files
The Bag That Wouldn't Go Away- Performance Assessment
Eco Inquiry's Multiple Forms of Assessment- contains "Group Work Evaluation" and "Portfolio Cover Sheet"
Benchmarks for Science Literacy
5A Diversity of Life, 5D Interdependence of Life, 5E Flow of Matter and Energy, 7D Social Trade-offs, 8B Materials and Manufacturing, 12C Manipulation and Observation, 12D Communication SkillsNYS Standards
MST 1 - Mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, MST 4- Physical setting, living environment and nature of science, MST 7- Problem solving using mathematics, science, and technology (working effectively, process and analyze information, presenting results)Credits
Hogan, Kathleen. Eco-Inquiry: A Guide to Ecological Learning Experiences for the Upper Elementary/Middle Grades. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, PO Box 1840, 4050 Westmark Drive, Dubuque, IA 52004-1840., 1994.