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Unit Plan: Biodiversity - Baltimore Ecosystem Study RETLesson: 5 Time: 5 days for plotting and planting. Upkeep is open-ended and will require commitment from teacher and incoming students. Setting: School courtyard
Urban Ecosystems, Biodiversity
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Students will evaluate available resources in order to create and maintain a native species environment.


    Different areas of the world have varying amounts of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources available. These resources may be utilized in many ways based on human needs. Obtaining and utilizing these resources will have a direct affect on the quality of the environment in a given area.


    • Soil and water testing results
    • Native Plant list
    • Gardening Equipment: Gloves, shovels, hoes, etc


    Students should observe the changes that have occurred in their courtyard ecosystem since the native species have been removed.


    Students should review the plot results (soil and water nutrient levels) in order to determine what vegetation will thrive in this ecosystem.  Students should consider the interactions that will occur between organisms and how they will compete for resources.


    Students will develop a management plan using a set of guidelines and present a detailed plot for planting native species in the garden. In some situations there may be certain non-native species that cannot be removed (i.e. full grown trees). However, the plot should include only native herbaceous plants and shrubs.


    Students will plant the native species they have chosen and plotted.


    Students must maintain the native environment they have created. Weeds and any invasive species must be constantly removed from the environment. This evaluation will continue infinitely, as this ecosystem is man-made and will require constant monitoring in order to preserve a native species environment.

    Lesson Files

    Natives list