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Chloride in the Pennypack

Time: Approximtely 120 minutes.
9-12Urban Ecosystems


  • Students will analyze synoptic stream sampling data in order to make claims about the impacts of urban processes on the water quality of an urban stream.
  • Students will propose hypotheses and design an investigation based on their understanding of the effects that urban processes on watershed functions and ecosystem health.
  • Students will predict how the results of this study might change under different environmental and experimental circumstances. 

    Lesson Summary

    In this lesson, students investigate how urbanization affects water quality by analyzing chloride concentration data from Pennypack Creek. Using watershed maps and ArcGIS data, they identify patterns, propose explanations for observed trends, and engage in consensus-building discussions to refine their understanding. The lesson emphasizes real-world environmental impacts and supports NGSS-aligned data analysis and reasoning skills.

    Lesson Structure

    • Background/Introduction (35-45 min)
      • Explore the Pennypack Creek watershed and urban land-use changes.
      • Discuss how urban processes can influence water quality.
    • Data Analysis (30 min)
      • Students analyze chloride data using ArcGIS.
      • Identify trends and patterns in water quality.
    • Small Group Consensus (25 min)
      • Students collaborate to compare findings and construct explanations.
    • Whole Class Discussion (30 min)
      • Groups present their conclusions, refine their ideas, and discuss implications.
    • Exit Ticket (Reflection Activity)
      • Students summarize key takeaways and propose further research questions.

    Key Student Outcomes

    • Analyze and interpret real-world water quality data.
    • Make evidence-based claims about how urbanization impacts watersheds.
    • Develop and refine hypotheses through discussion and collaboration.
    • Apply scientific practices to environmental problem-solving.

    Recommended Prior Learning


    • Color-printed Resources Maps of the Pennypack Creek Watershed and Delaware River Basin
      • A full class set is recommended
      • 1 set per pair of students is adequate
    • Student Handout
    • Individual Devices (Chromebooks, iPad, etc. - for accessing ArcGIS data)

    Please view the Teacher Guide included in this lesson's digital resources for intensive instructions for any teacher who wishes to implement “Chloride in the Pennypack” with their students. We welcome feedback and insights following implementation. If you would like to share your experience with “Chloride in the Pennypack,” please complete this Feedback Form ( We hope you enjoy using “Chloride in the Pennypack” with your students!

    Lesson Files

    Teacher Instructional Guide "Chloride in the Pennypack" UCZ Data Lesson
    Student Handout "Chloride in the Pennypack" UCZ Data Lesson
    Resource Maps "Chloride in the Pennypack" UCZ Data Lesson
    KEY Student Handout "Chloride in the Pennypack" UCZ Data Lesson
    KEY Student Analysis Questions "Chloride in the Pennypack" UCZ Data Lesson
    Next Generation Science Standards

    Science and Engineering Practices

    Analyzing and interpreting data

    Cross Cutting Concepts


    Disciplinary Core Ideas

    LS2C: Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning and Resilience