Fish Populations and Dissolved Oxygen Data
Data Collection Information and Notes (metadata)
background on Snapshot Day
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These data are from Snapshot Day ("A Day in the Life of the Hudson River"). For one day in October of each year, students (from elementary school to college) and teachers join together to participate in this Hudson River sampling event. Sampling takes place at nearly 70 sites from Manhattan to Troy. This event is coordinated by The Hudson River Estuary Program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.
These data show the populations of Atlantic silversides, blue crabs, ctenophora (comb jellies), striped bass, banded killifish, pumpkinseed fish, spottail shiners, and sunfish compared to dissolved oxygen (DO) in the Hudson River. Fish populations were sampled using seine nets, fishing rods, and minnow and crab traps. Dissolved oxygen (DO) was sampled using dissolved oxygen titration kits (Hach, LaMotte).
Data Sampling & Compilation
Data Source: Snapshot Day ("A Day in the Life of the Hudson River") data; collected by student and teacher volunteers and environmental educators.