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The Overall Goals for Graduate Students Attending the GLEON All Hands' Meeting are to:

  1. continue to improve and develop student involvement within GLEON;
  2. provide students with an opportunity to interact with an international assemblage of lake scientists and information technology specialists in an informal, highly interactive setting; and
  3. encourage students to conduct research using GLEON data or affiliated resources in collaboration with the GLEON community and sister networks.

General Requirement for ALL Student Participants at GLEON meetings

  1. Present a poster* at the Poster Session;
  2. Attend GSA-led workshop**, usually scheduled on the day before the main program begins. GSA workshops are organized by the GSA leadership team, prioritized for student and postdoc attendees, but open to other registered participants at mid-career or experienced scientists, if space permits; and
  3. Conditional: participate in the NPP - Network Partnership Program as the New-to-GLEON Partner if this is your 1st or 2nd time attending a GLEON All Hands' Meeting.

* If you have any concerns or for any reason are not able to bring a poster to the All Hands’ Meeting, please contact the GSA:

** There may be exceptions according to individual needs and conditions, such as personal travel scheduling conflict so you will miss the GSA-led workshops, or another concurrent workshop on the same day suits your research needs better. In the latter scenario, you are absolutely free to choose any of the pre-meeting workshops to attend.

Student Registration

Students need to complete the following steps to register for the meeting:

  • Pre-registration
  • Register and submit abstract
  • Make travel arrangements and hotel reservations

Student Travel Support

  • GLEON will not be offering Student Travel Support for participation in this meeting. 
  • Students should work with their advisors to secure travel support to attend the meeting in Poland.


  • Pre-register for the meeting to let the organizers know you plan to attend.
  • Check out the GSA-led workshops for updates on the workshop topic and what to prepare for before the All Hands’ Meeting begins.
  • Book travel (apply for visa, if applicable).
  • Look for a message to register for the meeting and book hotel accommodations. Please do not book accommodations until notified by GLEON that registration is open.
  • Prepare your poster: all student participants are required to bring a poster to share your research or project ideas. Abstract submission is included in the meeting registration.
  • What is the Network Partnership Program (NPP) and how do I sign up?