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Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network

Lead Scientist(s): Dr. Kathleen C. Weathers

Dr. Weathers is co-Chair of the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON), a grassroots research network that conducts innovative science by sharing and interpreting high resolution sensor data to understand, predict and communicate the role and response of lakes in a changing global environment.

GLEON: Going Global with Freshwater Science

Weathers' collaborative research associated within GLEON ranges from the impacts of major events (e.g., Hurricane Irene) on lake function around the world to how high frequency data serve as a common language to link citizens, scientists, and students across the globe in research, education, and outreach.

GLEON is breaking new ground with its global approach to network science. A paper by Weathers et al. (2013) provides a good overview of how the network has evolved during its first ten years.

"The Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON): The Evolution of grassroots network science"

lake sunapee buoy credit: midge eliassen
Lake Sunapee۪s monitoring buoy is part of the GLEON network, a global effort to record environmental conditions in freshwater lakes. Credit Midge Eliassen.

Dr. Weathers is currently PI of a research project that trains graduate students in synthesis and analysis of sensor data as well as in the science of team science and associated skills. (