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Dr. Stephen K. Hamilton

Ecosystem Ecologist, Biogeochemist | PhD, University of California at Santa Barbara

wetlands, streams, rivers and lakes, agricultural ecology, water quality, tropical rivers, floodplains

845 677-7600 x237

Stephen Hamilton’s principal research interests involve ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry, with particular emphasis on water. He has studied wetlands, streams, lakes, reservoirs, and watersheds, as well as agricultural cropping systems and their effects on water and climate. His research draws on multiple disciplines to understand and mitigate environmental problems and inform environmental protection and conservation.

Hamilton’s research publications include studies of nutrient cycling, greenhouse gas emissions, invasive species, food webs, remote sensing, conservation planning, and hydrology. He has received awards for his engagement with environmental issues from the Michigan Environmental Council and the Society for Freshwater Science, and is a Fellow of that society.

Hamilton has conducted a variety of studies in tropical floodplain and river ecosystems of South America and Australia, and presently works with several research groups in Brazil on hydropower effects on river systems.

As of 2024, Hamilton is retired from both Cary Institute and from his long-time position as a Professor at Michigan State University’s Kellogg Biological Station, though he will remain academically active. At Michigan State, Hamilton was a principal investigator for the National Science Foundation’s Long Term Ecological Research site and a Project Leader in the Department of Energy’s Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center. He now lives in northern Michigan.

Displaying 21 - 40 of 156
Dutton, Christopher L., Amanda L. Subalusky, Stephen K. Hamilton, Ella C. Bayer, Laban Njoroge, Emma J. Rosi, and David M. Post. 2020. “Alternative Biogeochemical States of River Pools Mediated by Hippo Use and Flow Variability”. Ecosystems. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi:10.1007/s10021-020-00518-3.
Hussain, Mir Zaman, Philip Robertson, Bruno Basso, and Stephen K. Hamilton. 2020. “Leaching Losses of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrogen from Agricultural Soils in the Upper US Midwest”. Science of The Total Environment 734. Elsevier BV: 139379. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139379.
Almeida, R. M., Stephen K. Hamilton, Emma J. Rosi, N. Barros, C. R. C. Doria, A. S. Flecker, A. S. Fleischmann, A. J. Reisinger, and F. Roland. (2025) 2020. “Hydropeaking Operations of Two Run-of-River Mega-Dams Alter Downstream Hydrology of the Largest Amazon Tributary”. Frontiers in Environmental Science 8.
Celi, J. E., and Stephen K. Hamilton. (2025) 2020. “Measuring Floodplain Inundation Using Diel Amplitude of Temperature”. Sensors 20 (21).
Abraha, Michael, Jiquan Chen, Stephen K. Hamilton, and Philip Robertson. 2020. “Long‐term Evapotranspiration Rates for Rainfed Corn Versus Perennial Bioenergy Crops in a Mesic Landscape”. Hydrological Processes 34 (3). Wiley: 810-22. doi:10.1002/hyp.13630.
Fantin-Cruz, I., M. D. de Oliveira, J. A. Campos, M. M. de Campos, L. D. Ribeiro, R. Mingoti, M. L. de Souza, O. Pedrollo, and Stephen K. Hamilton. (2025) 2020. “Further Development of Small Hydropower Facilities Will Significantly Reduce Sediment Transport to the Pantanal Wetland of Brazil”. Frontiers in Environmental Science 8.
Strayer, David L., David T. Fischer, Stephen K. Hamilton, Heather M. Malcom, Michael L. Pace, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2020. “Long‐term Variability and Density Dependence in Hudson River Dreissena Populations”. Freshwater Biology 65 (3). Wiley: 474-89. doi:10.1111/fwb.13444.
Qiu, Han, Stephen K. Hamilton, and Mantha S. Phanikumar. 2020. “Modeling the Effects of Vegetation on Stream Temperature Dynamics in a Large, Mixed Land Cover Watershed in the Great Lakes Region”. Journal of Hydrology 581. Elsevier BV: 124283. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124283.
Gelfand, Ilya, Stephen K. Hamilton, Alexandra N. Kravchenko, Randall D. Jackson, Kurt D. Thelen, and Philip Robertson. 2020. “Empirical Evidence for the Potential Climate Benefits of Decarbonizing Light Vehicle Transport in the U.S. With Bioenergy from Purpose-Grown Biomass With and Without BECCS”. Environmental Science & Technology 54 (5). American Chemical Society (ACS): 2961-74. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b07019.
Fischhoff, Ilya R., Tao Huang, Stephen K. Hamilton, Barbara A. Han, Shannon L. LaDeau, Richard S. Ostfeld, Emma J. Rosi, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2020. “Parasite and Pathogen Effects on Ecosystem Processes: A Quantitative Review”. Ecosphere 11 (5). Wiley. doi:10.1002/ecs2.3057.
McGill, Bonnie, Yvan Altchenko, Stephen K. Hamilton, Piet K. Kenabatho, Steven R. Sylvester, and Karen G. Villholth. 2019. “Complex Interactions Between Climate Change, Sanitation, and Groundwater Quality: A Case Study from Ramotswa, Botswana”. Hydrogeology Journal 27 (3): 997-1015. doi:10.1007/s10040-018-1901-4.
Hussain, M. Z., Stephen K. Hamilton, Ajay K. Bhardwaj, B. Basso, Kurt D. Thelen, and G. P. Robertson. 2019. “Evapotranspiration and Water Use Efficiency of Continuous Maize and Maize and Soybean in Rotation in the Upper Midwest U.S”. Agricultural Water Management 221: 92-98. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2019.02.049.
Weyhenmeyer, Gesa A., Jens Hartmann, Dag O. Hessen, Jiří Kopáček, Josef Hejzlar, Stéphan Jacquet, Stephen K. Hamilton, et al. 2019. “Widespread Diminishing Anthropogenic Effects on Calcium in Freshwaters”. Scientific Reports 9 (1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-46838-w.
Kelly, Victoria R., Stuart E. G. Findlay, Stephen K. Hamilton, Gary M. Lovett, and Kathleen C. Weathers. 2019. “Seasonal and Long-Term Dynamics in Stream Water Sodium Chloride Concentrations and the Effectiveness of Road Salt Best Management Practices”. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 230 (1). doi:10.1007/s11270-018-4060-2.
Reis, Vanessa, Virgilio Hermoso, Stephen K. Hamilton, Stuart E. Bunn, Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard, Bill Venables, and Simon Linke. 2019. “Characterizing Seasonal Dynamics of Amazonian Wetlands for Conservation and Decision Making”. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29 (7). Wiley: 1073-82. doi:10.1002/aqc.3051.
Almeida, Rafael M., Stephen K. Hamilton, Emma J. Rosi, João Durval Arantes, Nathan Barros, Gina Boemer, Anderson Gripp, et al. 2019. “Limnological Effects of a Large Amazonian Run-of-River Dam on the Main River and Drowned Tributary Valleys”. Scientific Reports 9 (1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-53060-1.
Hussain, Mir Zaman, Ajay K. Bhardwaj, Bruno Basso, Philip Robertson, and Stephen K. Hamilton. 2019. “Nitrate Leaching from Continuous Corn, Perennial Grasses, and Poplar in the US Midwest”. Journal of Environmental Quality 48 (6). Wiley: 1849-55. doi:10.2134/jeq2019.04.0156.
Richmond, Erinn K., Emma J. Rosi, David M. Walters, Jerker Fick, Stephen K. Hamilton, Tomas Brodin, Anna Sundelin, and Michael Grace. 2018. “A Diverse Suite of Pharmaceuticals Contaminates Stream and Riparian Food Webs”. Nature Communications 9 (1). doi:10.1038/s41467-018-06822-w.
Abraha, Michael, Stephen K. Hamilton, Jiquan Chen, and Philip Robertson. 2018. “Ecosystem Carbon Exchange on Conversion of Conservation Reserve Program Grasslands to Annual and Perennial Cropping Systems”. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 253-254: 151-60. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.02.016.
Hamilton, Stephen K., M. Z. Hussain, Christopher Lowrie, B. Basso, and G. P. Robertson. 2018. “Evapotranspiration Is Resilient in the Face of Land Cover and Climate Change in a Humid Temperate Catchment”. Hydrological Processes 32 (5): 655-63. doi:10.1002/hyp.11447.