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Registration: Virtual Meeting

Registration is now closed for the GLEON 2024 Virtual All Hands' Meeting. 

The registration fee structure allows attendees to select the fee most appropriate to their situation. Registration support or waivers are available upon request via the meeting registration form (see below for more information).

Registration fee options are as follows:

  • $100 (e.g., for graduate students)
  • $200 (e.g., for those with limited research funding)
  • $300 (e.g., for senior researchers with funding available to cover full registration costs)
  • $0 (e.g., for those who are from and currently working in Africa, approved for registration support or waivers, or attending only workshops or regional gatherings)

There is no fee for attending just workshops or regional gatherings but all participants must complete a registration form in order to receive communications about meeting logistics. For questions about registration or to make alternative payment arrangements, contact Lisa Borre.

Registration Support

Registration support is available (and pre-approved) for attendees who are from and currently working in Africa (the local host region) and others by request (see below).

For any others for whom the registration fee would pose a financial obstacle in attending the GLEON virtual meeting, you can apply to GLEON for support (or a waiver) to cover this cost when registering for the meeting. There are no geographical or career-stage restrictions on who can apply for support for this meeting, but limited support is available and emphasis will be placed on creating opportunities for early career scientists.

Registration support and waivers can be requested in the meeting registration form.

Network Partnership Program

The Committee on inClusive Collaboration (CCC) has revamped the Network Partnership Program (NPP) for virtual meetings. If you are New-to-GLEON and would like to have a mentor during the meeting or are an experienced GLEON member willing to help welcome a newcomer, you can sign up during meeting registration. The main NPP activity will occur on Monday, 8 April 2024, so if you are not attending the meeting that day, you will need to make alternative arrangements to meet your NPP partner.


The purpose of the Network Partnership (NPP) is to help New-to-GLEON participants engage in effective, friendly networking and integration into the community of people and collaboration. 

NPP Roles 

  • New-to-GLEON Partner (NP): If you are new to GLEON (first or second meeting), you have the option to choose to sign up as a NP;

  • GLEON Partner (GP): If this is your 3rd time or more attending a GLEON All Hands’ Meeting. You can be a faculty member, scientist, technician or student that has been to more than two GLEON events and are willing to participate in NPP in a mentoring role.

Suggested Activities and Expectations of Both Roles

The exact terms of the networking partnership will vary depending on the particular needs of your partner. Here are a few suggestions that NPP partners from the past GLEON meetings have honored and worked well:

  • The GLEON Partner (GP) is expected to be friendly and supportive, to make frequent contact with the New-to-GLEON Partner (NP), introduce him/her to other GLEONites, help identify similar or complementary research interests among GLEON meeting attendees and general membership.
  • The GP visits the NP's poster during the Poster Session and helps facilitate interactions with the audience, if need be.
  • NP and GP share at least one break together during the meeting.