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Dr. David L. Strayer

Freshwater Ecologist | PhD, 1984, Cornell University

Hudson River, invasive species, streams

Dave Strayer is a freshwater ecologist whose current work focuses on measuring the long-term effects of zebra mussels on the Hudson River ecosystem, and understanding the roles of suspension-feeding animals in ecosystems. Strayer also works on broader issues in freshwater conservation ecology and invasion biology.

Species introductions are one of the most important ways by which humans affect the Earth’s ecosystems. Strayer has been involved in much research in this area, particularly regarding the zebra mussel. This tiny bivalve arrived in North America from Europe in the 1980s and has caused hundreds of millions of dollars in economic damage and widespread ecological change.

Water clarity, water chemistry, food webs, and populations of native species, including fish, in the Hudson River all changed after zebra mussels arrived. Now, decades after their first appearance, Strayer and Cary scientists see evidence of fundamental long-term changes in the relationship between the river and the invader. The Cary group has been tracking this changing relationship for almost 30 years, providing one of the longest and most detailed case studies in invasion ecology.

Strayer also works on the ecology and conservation of native pearly mussels, a highly diverse and imperiled group of animals. He wrote Freshwater Mussel Ecology: A Multifactor Approach to Distribution and Abundance.

Zebra mussels and pearly mussels are examples of suspension-feeders – animals that feed by removing tiny particles from the water. These animals can have large, pervasive effects on aquatic ecosystems.  Strayer is currently working to synthesize information and understanding of freshwater suspension-feeders across a wide range of species and ecosystems.

In addition to his scientific publications, Strayer has written several dozen essays for the general public, which are collected in The Lost Snail of the Yangtze and Other Essays.

Strayer, David L. 2013. “Pot Smokers May Be Green, But Growers Usually Aren't”. Poughkeepsie Journal.
Strayer, David L. 2013. “See The World”. Poughkeepsie Journal.
Sousa, Ronaldo, Adriana Novais, Raquel Costa, and David L. Strayer. 2013. “Invasive Bivalves In Fresh Waters: Impacts From Individuals To Ecosystems And Possible Control Strategies”. Hydrobiologia. doi:10.1007/s10750-012-1409-1.
Weathers, Kathleen C., Holly A. Ewing, Clive G. Jones, and David L. Strayer. 2012. “Controls On Ecosystem Structure And Function”. In K. C. Weathers, D. L. Strayer And G. E. Likens (Eds.). Fundamentals Of Ecosystem Science, 215-230. Academic Press, Inc.
Bechtold, Heather A., Jorge Durán, David L. Strayer, Kathleen C. Weathers, Angelita Alvarado, Neil D. Bettez, Michelle H. Hersh, et al. 2012. “Frontiers In Ecosystem Science”. In K. C. Weathers, D. L. Strayer And G. E. Likens (Eds.). Fundamentals Of Ecosystem Science, 279-296. Academic Press, Inc.
Strayer, David L., Stuart E. G. Findlay, D.M. Miller, Heather M. Malcom, David T. Fischer, and Thomas Coote. 2012. “Biodiversity In Hudson River Shore Zones: Influence Of Shoreline Type And Physical Structure”. Aquat. Sci. 74: 597-610. doi:10.1007/s00027-012-0252-9.
Weathers, Kathleen C., David L. Strayer, and Gene E. Likens. 2012. “Introduction To Ecosystem Science”. In K. C. Weathers, D. L. Strayer And G. E. Likens (Eds). Fundamentals Of Ecosystem Science, 3-26. Academic Press, Inc.
Strayer, David L., and Heather M. Malcom. 2012. “Causes Of Recruitment Failure In Freshwater Mussel Populations In Southeastern New York”. Ecological Applications 22 (6): 1780 - 1790. doi:10.1890/11-1536.1.
Strayer, David L. 2012. “Notes On The Pearly Mussels (Unionidae) Of The Middle Hudson River (Corinth To Troy) And Their Possible Role In The Ecosystem”. Poughkeepsie, New York: Scenic Hudson.
Findlay, Stuart E. G., and David L. Strayer. 2012. “A Primer On Biologically Mediated Redox Reactions In Ecosystems”. In K. C. Weathers, D. L. Strayer And G. E. Likens (Eds.). Fundamentals Of Ecosystem Science, 297-301. Academic Press, Inc.
Strayer, David L. 2012. “Eight Questions About Invasions And Ecosystem Functioning”. Ecology Letters 15 (10): 1199 - 1210. doi:10.1111/ele.2012.15.issue-1010.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01817.x.
Strayer, David L. 2012. “Secondary Production And Consumer Energetics”. In K. C. Weathers, D. L. Strayer And G. E. Likens (Eds.). Fundamentals Of Ecosystem Science, 53-74. Academic Press, Inc.
Jeschke, Jonathan M., L. Gómez-Aparicio, Sylvia Haider, Tina Heger, Christopher Lortie, Petr Pyšek, and David L. Strayer. 2012. “Support For Major Hypotheses In Invasion Biology Is Uneven And Declining”. Neobiota 14: 1 - 20. doi:10.3897/neobiota.14.3435.
Jeschke, Jonathan M., L. Gómez-Aparicio, Sylvia Haider, Tina Heger, Christopher Lortie, Petr Pyšek, and David L. Strayer. 2012. “Taxonomic Bias And Lack Of Cross-Taxonomic Studies In Invasion Biology”. Frontiers In Ecology And The Environment 10 (7): 349 - 350. doi:10.1890/12.WB.016.
Strayer, David L. 2012. The Hudson Primer: The Ecology Of An Iconic River. University of California Press.
Carlsson, N. O. L., H. Bustamante, David L. Strayer, and Michael L. Pace. 2011. “Biotic Resistance On The Increase: Native Predators Structure Invasive Zebra Mussel Populations”. Freshwater Biol. 56: 1630-1637.
Strayer, David L., N. Cid, and Heather M. Malcom. 2011. “Long-Term Changes In A Population Of An Invasive Bivalve And Its Effects”. Oecologia 165: 1063-1072.
Simberloff, D., Richard S. Ostfeld, and David L. Strayer. 2011. “Non-Natives: 141 Scientists Object (Response To Davis, Et Al., "Don't Judge Species On Their Origins".)”. Nature 475: 36.
Poff, N.L., J.D. Olden, and David L. Strayer. 2011. “Climate Change And Freshwater Extinction Risk”. In L. Hannah (Ed.). Extinction Risk From Climate Change. Island Press.
Kornijow, R., David L. Strayer, and Nina F. Caraco. 2010. “Macroinvertebrate Communities Of Hypoxic Habitats Created By An Invasive Plant (Trapa Natans) In The Freshwater Tidal Hudson River”. Fundam. Appl. Limnol. 176: 199-207.

Articles by David Strayer