The Institute’s research support staff comprises the program managers, lab technicians, and individuals who collect, sample and measure at field sites and analyze, count and do data processing in laboratories.
At any one time there are approximately 40 research assistants working with scientists at the Institute’s labs in Millbrook as well as at sites at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, in New Hampshire, and elsewhere across the U.S. and abroad.

Kathryn Amato
Project Coordinator, Western Fire & Forest Resilience Collaborative
Email Kathryn Amato

Lisa Borre
Senior Research Specialist, Foundation and Corporate Relations Manager
Email Lisa Borre
Read Bio >
David Fischer
Manager of Hudson River Studies/Education Associate Research Specialist and Data Coordinator
Email David Fischer
Read Bio >
Nichole Gange
Program Manager, Western Fire & Forest Resilience Collaborative
Email Nichole Gange
Read Bio >

Denise A. Schmidt
Director of Laboratory Research Facilities and Analytical Service
Email Denise A. Schmidt

Geoff Wilson
Manager of Field and Laboratory Operations at Hubbard Brook