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To understand the behavior of water at the landscape scale we monitor water in several ways. In addition to precipitation and stream flow, we monitor soil water content and temperature as well as sap flow in sugar maples in a multi-agency collaborative project that includes USCRN, NOAA, USDA, CUNY-CREST and others.


Archived Data


We have monitored precipitation volume since 2004 with the USCRN. From 1988 to 2004 we used a mechanical weighing bucket rain gauge and from 1983-1988 we used the volume of precipitation in the precipitation collector used for chemistry monitoring. Data are available in hourly and daily increments and 5-minute increments from the USCRN.

Stream Temperature, Flow and Conductivity

Our stream gauging station is located on the East Branch of Wappinger Creek at a site called the Fern Glen where we monitor stream height, temperature and specific conductance. Data are logged every 15 minutes using a microcomputer called a datalogger. Using stream height measurements and an estimate of the cross-sectional area of the stream, we estimate the volume of water flowing in the stream. We have continuous data from 1993-present.

Soil Moisture & the Freeze/Thaw State of Soil

The soil water content, soil temperature and the freeze/thaw state of soil are critical for understanding droughts, floods and movement of water through the landscape. In addition, production of CO2 from the earth’s surface is dependent on these key parameters. To understand these critical processes, we support colleagues from US Climate Reference Network, City University of New York NOAA Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology, and the USDA ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory to monitor soil moisture and temperature at the landscape scale using sensors located at 8 sites within a 40 km grid square, including the Cary Institute.