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Research Publications


Burtis, J. C., Joseph B. Yavitt, Timothy J. Fahey, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2019. “Ticks As Soil-Dwelling Arthropods: An Intersection Between Disease and Soil Ecology”. Edited by Howard Ginsberg. Journal of Medical Entomology 56 (6). Oxford University Press (OUP): 1555-64. doi:10.1093/jme/tjz116.
Locke, Dexter H., Colin Polsky, Morgan Grove, Peter M. Groffman, Kristen C. Nelson, Kelli L. Larson, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, et al. 2019. “Residential Household Yard Care Practices Along Urban-Exurban Gradients in Six Climatically-Diverse U.S. Metropolitan Areas”. Edited by Christopher A. Lepczyk. PLOS ONE 14 (11). Public Library of Science (PLoS): e0222630. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0222630.
Trottier, Gabrielle, Holly Embke, Katrine Turgeon, Christopher T. Solomon, Christian Nozais, and Irene Gregory-Eaves. 2019. “Macroinvertebrate Abundance Is Lower in Temperate Reservoirs With Higher Winter Drawdown”. Hydrobiologia 834 (1): 199-211. doi:10.1007/s10750-019-3922-y.
Gora, Evan M., Riley C Kneale, Markku Larjavaara, and H C Muller-Landau. 2019. “Dead Wood Necromass in a Moist Tropical Forest: Stocks, Fluxes, and Spatiotemporal Variability”. Ecosystems 22: 1189-1205.
Pitti, Joseph. 2019. “Policy Aggregation and Heterogeneity in Northern Wisconsin Fisheries: An Agent-Based Approach”. Undergraduate Ecology Research Reports .
Mojica, Amanda B. Jackson. 2019. “Association of Water Quality With Land-Cover Of Riparian Zones in the Fall Kill Creek In Dutchess County, NY”. Undergraduate Ecology Research Reports .
Lucas, Jane M., Evan M. Gora, Annika Salzberg, and Michael Kaspari. 2019. “Antibiotics As Chemical Warfare across Multiple Taxonomic Domains and Trophic Levels in Brown Food Webs”. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286: 20191536. doi:doi:10.1098/rspb.2019.1536.
Nieman, Chelsey, and Suzanne M. Gray. 2019. “Elevated Algal and Sedimentary Turbidity Alter Prey Consumption by Emerald Shiner ( Notropis Atherinoides )”. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 29 (2). Wiley: 325-33. doi:10.1111/eff.12517.
Fischhoff, Ilya R., Felicia Keesing, Jennifer Pendleton, Deanna DePietro, Marissa Teator, Shannon Duerr, Stacy Mowry, Ashley Pfister, Shannon L. LaDeau, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2019. “Assessing Effectiveness of Recommended Residential Yard Management Measures Against Ticks”. Journal of Medical Entomology 56 (5). Oxford University Press (OUP): 1420-27. doi:10.1093/jme/tjz077.
Kotey, Emmanuel. 2019. “The Effect of Increasing Temperature and Competition On the Size and Development Rate of Ae Albopictus”. Undergraduate Ecology Research Reports.
Vought, Olivia. 2019. “The Distribution of Moss in Streams at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest”. Undergraduate Ecology Research Reports .
Esposito, Rhea M. M., Cornelia Harris, Alan R. Berkowitz, and Maribel Pregnall. 2019. “The Joys of Teaching Ecology in K–12 and Informal Settings”. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17 (9). Wiley: 538-39. doi:10.1002/fee.2122.
Leisnham, Paul T., Brandon Scott, Andrew H. Baldwin, and Shannon L. LaDeau. 2019. “Effects of Detritus on the Mosquito Culex Pipiens: Phragmites and Schedonorus (Festuca) Invasion Affect Population Performance”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (21). MDPI AG: 4118. doi:10.3390/ijerph16214118.
Cubino, J. P., Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Sarah E. Hobbie, Diane E. Pataki, Meghan L. Avolio, Lindsay E. Darling, Kelli L. Larson, et al. 2019. “Drivers of Plant Species Richness and Phylogenetic Composition in Urban Yards at the Continental Scale”. Landscape Ecology 34 (1): 63-77. doi:10.1007/s10980-018-0744-7.
Grabowski, Zbigniew J., Zion Klos, and Chad Monfreda. 2019. “Enhancing Urban Resilience Knowledge Systems through Experiential Pluralism”. Environmental Science & Policy 96: 70-76. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2019.03.007.
Berger, Kavita, James Wood, Bonnie Jenkins, Jennifer Olsen, Stephen Morse, Louise Gresham, J. Root, et al. 2019. “Policy and Science for Global Health Security: Shaping the Course of International Health”. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease 4 (2): 60. doi:10.3390/tropicalmed4020060.
Stanton, Daniel E., Sarah A. Batterman, Joseph C. Von Fischer, and Lars O. Hedin. 2019. “Rapid Nitrogen Fixation by Canopy Microbiome in Tropical Forest Determined by Both Phosphorus and Molybdenum”. Ecology 100 (9). Wiley. doi:10.1002/ecy.2795.
Ferreira-Rodriguez, N., Yoshihiro B. Akiyama, Olga V. Aksenova, Rafael Araujo, Christopher Barnhart, Yulia V. Bespalaya, Arthur E. Bogan, et al. 2019. “Research Priorities for Freshwater Mussel Conservation Assessment”. Biological Conservation 231: 77-87. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2019.01.002.
Zwart, Jacob A., Oleksandra Hararuk, Y.T. Prairie, S. E. Jones, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2019. “Improving Estimates and Forecasts of Lake Carbon Dynamics Using Data Assimilation”. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 17 (2): 97-111. doi:10.1002/lom3.10302.
Rademacher, Anne, Mary L. Cadenasso, and Steward T. A. Pickett. 2019. “From Feedbacks to Coproduction: Toward an Integrated Conceptual Framework for Urban Ecosystems”. Urban Ecosystems 22 (1): 65-76. doi:10.1007/s11252-018-0751-0.
Cubino, J. P., Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Sarah E. Hobbie, Sharon J. Hall, Tara L.E. Trammell, Christopher Neill, Meghan L. Avolio, Lindsay E. Darling, and Peter M. Groffman. 2019. “Contribution of Non-Native Plants to the Phylogenetic Homogenization of US Yard Floras”. Ecosphere 10 (3). doi:10.1002/ecs2.2638.
McGill, Bonnie, Yvan Altchenko, Stephen K. Hamilton, Piet K. Kenabatho, Steven R. Sylvester, and Karen G. Villholth. 2019. “Complex Interactions Between Climate Change, Sanitation, and Groundwater Quality: A Case Study from Ramotswa, Botswana”. Hydrogeology Journal 27 (3): 997-1015. doi:10.1007/s10040-018-1901-4.
Evans, Sarah E., M. E. Dueker, Robert Logan, and Kathleen C. Weathers. 2019. “The Biology of Fog: Results from Coastal Maine and Namib Desert Reveal Common Drivers of Fog Microbial Composition”. Science of The Total Environment 647: 1547-56. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.045.
Ziegler, Jacob P., Stuart E. Jones, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2019. “Local Stakeholders Understand Recreational Fisheries As Social-Ecological Systems But Do Not View Governance Systems As Influential for System Dynamics”. International Journal of the Commons 13 (2). Ubiquity Press, Ltd.: 1035-48. doi:10.5334/ijc.945.
Contosta, Alexandra R., Nora J. Casson, Sarah Garlick, Sarah J. Nelson, Matthew P. Ayres, Elizabeth A. Burakowski, John Campbell, et al. 2019. “Northern Forest Winters Have Lost Cold, Snowy Conditions That Are Important for Ecosystems and Human Communities”. Ecological Applications 29 (7). Wiley. doi:10.1002/eap.1974.
Belinsky, Kara L., Troy C. Ellick, and Shannon L. LaDeau. 2019. “Using a Birdfeeder Network to Explore the Effects of Suburban Design on Invasive and Native Birds”. Avian Conservation and Ecology 14 (2). Resilience Alliance, Inc. doi:10.5751/ace-01408-140202.
Houlton, Benjamin Z., Maya Almaraz, Viney Aneja, Amy T. Austin, Edith Bai, Kenneth G. Cassman, Jana E. Compton, et al. 2019. “A World of Cobenefits: Solving the Global Nitrogen Challenge”. Earth’s Future 7 (8). American Geophysical Union (AGU): 865-72. doi:10.1029/2019ef001222.
Fischhoff, Ilya R., Sarah E. Bowden, Felicia Keesing, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2019. “Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Tick-Borne Disease Risk Factors in Residential Yards, Neighborhoods, and Beyond”. BMC Infectious Diseases 19 (1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi:10.1186/s12879-019-4484-3.
Almeida, Rafael M., Stephen K. Hamilton, Emma J. Rosi, João Durval Arantes, Nathan Barros, Gina Boemer, Anderson Gripp, et al. 2019. “Limnological Effects of a Large Amazonian Run-of-River Dam on the Main River and Drowned Tributary Valleys”. Scientific Reports 9 (1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-53060-1.
Dutton, Christopher L., Amanda L. Subalusky, Troy D. Hill, Julie C. Aleman, Emma J. Rosi, Kennedy B. Onyango, Kanuni Kanuni, Jenny A. Cousins, A. C. Staver, and D.M. Post. 2019. “A 2000-Year Sediment Record Reveals Rapidly Changing Sedimentation and Land Use since the 1960s in the Upper Mara-Serengeti Ecosystem”. Science of The Total Environment 664: 148-60. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.421.
Ziegler, J.P., Colin J. Dassow, S. E. Jones, Alexander J. Ross, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2019. “Coarse Woody Habitat Does Not Predict Largemouth Bass Young of Year Mortality During the Open-Water Season”. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (6): 998-1005. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2018-0050.
Smith, L. L., Amanda L. Subalusky, C. L. Atkinson, J. E. Earl, D. M. Mushet, D. E. Scott, S. L. Lance, and S. A. Johnson. 2019. “Biological Connectivity of Seasonally Ponded Wetlands across Spatial and Temporal Scales”. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 55 (2): 334-53. doi:10.1111/1752-1688.12682.
Dauer, Jenny Marie, and Ashley R. Alred. 2019. “Understanding Factors Related to Undergraduate Student Decision-Making about a Complex Socio-Scientific Issue: Mountain Lion Management”. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 16 (2). Modestum Publishing Ltd. doi:10.29333/ejmste/113757.
Levy-Varon, Jennifer H., Sarah A. Batterman, David Medvigy, Xiangtao Xu, Jefferson S. Hall, Michiel van Breugel, and Lars O. Hedin. 2019. “Tropical Carbon Sink Accelerated by Symbiotic Dinitrogen Fixation”. Nature Communications 10 (1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-13656-7.
Sommers, Amie S, Holly White, Ashley R. Alred, and Jenny M. Dauer. 2019. “Teaching Styles and Student Outcomes in Undergraduate Food, Energy, and Water Systems (FEWS) Courses”. NACTA Journal 63 (2). North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA): 67-77.
Adams, Benjamin J., Evan M. Gora, Michiel van Breugel, Sergio Estrada-Villegas, Stefan A. Schnitzer, Jefferson S. Hall, and Stephen P. Yanoviak. 2019. “Do Lianas Shape Ant Communities in an Early Successional Tropical Forest?”. Biotropica 51: 885-93. doi:10.1111/btp.12709.
Stephens, Patrick R., Sonia Altizer, Vanessa O. Ezenwa, John L. Gittleman, Emili Moan, Barbara A. Han, Shan Huang, and Paula Pappalardo. 2019. “Parasite Sharing in Wild Ungulates and Their Predators: Effects of Phylogeny, Range Overlap, and Trophic Links”. Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (7). Wiley: 1017-28. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12987.
Danielsson, R, Jane M. Lucas, J Dahlberg, M Ramin, S Agenas, AR Bayat, I Tapio, T Hammer, and T Roslin. (2024) 2019. “Compound- and Context-Dependent Effects of Antibiotics on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock”. ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE 6 (10).
Weintraub, Samantha R., Alejandro N. Flores, William R. Wieder, Debjani Sihi, Claudia Cagnarini, Daniel Ruiz Potma Gonçalves, Michael H. Young, et al. 2019. “Leveraging Environmental Research and Observation Networks to Advance Soil Carbon Science”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124 (5). American Geophysical Union (AGU): 1047-55. doi:10.1029/2018jg004956.
Likens, Gene E. 2019. “Unusual Sequence of Ice Cover Formation on Mirror Lake, New Hampshire, USA”. Inland Waters 9 (3). Informa UK Limited: 408-10. doi:10.1080/20442041.2019.1629216.