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Dr. Peter M. Groffman

Microbial Ecologist | PhD, University of Georgia

soil ecology, water quality

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Peter Groffman studies how microbial processes impact gas exchange - particularly nitrogen - between the soil and air. His work encompasses rural and urban ecosystems, and is primarily centered at two of the National Science Foundation’s Long Term Ecological Research sites located in Hubbard Brook, New Hampshire and Baltimore, Maryland.

As a result of climate change, forests in the northeastern US are experiencing reduced winter snow cover. This change leaves the forest soil exposed to subfreezing temperatures for extended periods. Without a layer of insulating snow, important biological activity that usually continues throughout the winter stops. Freezing damages tender tree roots. Increased winter rain washes nitrogen and phosphorus - nutrients critical to tree growth - out of the soil, threatening forest productivity and water quality. Bare soils produce more nitrous oxide and consume less methane - both potent greenhouse gases. Understanding these processes will inform forest management as climate warms.

Urbanization is a global trend marked by increasing homogenization of the landscape; imagine the cookie cutter properties that characterize ‘suburbia’. Understanding landscape homogenization will help predict the impacts of urban land use change and its effects on carbon storage and nitrogen pollution, on multiple spatial scales.

Groffman was a Convening Lead Author for the third National Climate Assessment Chapter on Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

Groffman is also a Professor at the City University of New York Advanced Science Research Center at the Graduate Center and the Brooklyn College Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Gurwick, N. P., D.M. McCorkle, Peter M. Groffman, Arthur J. Gold, D.Q. Kellogg, and P. Seitz-Rundlett. 2008. “Mineralization of Ancient Carbon in the Subsurface of Riparian Forests”. J. Geophys. Res. 113: Art.No.G02021.
Cadenasso, Mary L., Steward T. A. Pickett, Peter M. Groffman, Lawrence E. Band, G.S. Brush, M.F. Galvin, Morgan Grove, et al. 2008. “Exchanges across Land-Water-Scape Boundaries in Urban Systems: Strategies for Reducing Nitrate Pollution”. In R. S. Ostfeld and W. H. Schlesinger (eds.). The Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1134:213-32. Blackwell Scientific Publishing, Boston.
Raciti, S. M., Peter M. Groffman, and Timothy J. Fahey. 2008. “Nitrogen Retention in Urban Lawns and Forests”. Ecol. Appl. 18: 1615-26.
Groffman, Peter M. 2008. “Nitrogen Balances at Ecosystem, Landscape, Regional and Global Scales”. In J. Schepers and W. Raun (eds). Nitrogen in Agricultural Soils, 731-58. Soil Science Society of America, Madison WI.
Zaman, M., M. L. Nguyen, Arthur J. Gold, Peter M. Groffman, D.Q. Kellogg, and R.J. Wilcock. 2008. “Nitrous Oxide Generation, Denitrification, and Nitrate Removal in a Seepage Wetland Intercepting Surface and Subsurface Flows from a Grazed Dairy Catchment”. Austral. J. Soil. Res. 46: 565-77.
Pickett, Steward T. A., Mary L. Cadenasso, Morgan Grove, Peter M. Groffman, Lawrence E. Band, Christopher G. Boone, W.R. Burch, et al. 2008. “Beyond Urban Legends: An Emerging Framework of Urban Ecology, As Illustrated by the Baltimore Ecosystem Study”. BioScience 58: 139-50.
Kellogg, D.Q., Arthur J. Gold, Peter M. Groffman, M.H. Stolt, and Kelly Addy. 2008. “Riparian Ground-Water Flow Patterns Using Flownet Analysis: Evapotranspiration-Induced Upwelling and Implications for N Removal”. J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc 44: 1024-34.
Grimm, Nancy B, D. R. Foster, Peter M. Groffman, Morgan Grove, C.S. Hopkinson, Knute J. Nadelhoffer, Diane E. Pataki, and D. P. C. Peters. 2008. “The Changing Landscape: Ecosystem Responses to Urbanization and Pollution across Climatic and Societal Gradients”. Front. Ecol. Environ. 6: 264-72.
Kulkarni, Madhura V., Peter M. Groffman, and Joseph B. Yavitt. 2008. “Solving the Global Nitrogen Problem: It’s a Gas!”. Front. Ecol. Environ. 6: 199-206.
Cleavitt, N. L., Timothy J. Fahey, Peter M. Groffman, J.P. Hardy, K.S. Henry, and Charles T. Driscoll. 2008. “Effects of Soil Freezing on Fine Roots in a Northern Hardwood Forest”. Can. J. For. Res. 38: 82-91.
Shields, C.A., Lawrence E. Band, N. Law, Peter M. Groffman, Sujay S. Kaushal, K. Savvas, G.T. Fisher, and Kenneth T Belt. 2008. “Streamflow Distribution of non–point Source Nitrogen Export from Urban-Rural Catchments in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed”. Water Resour. Res. 44: Art.No.W09416.
Kaushal, Sujay S., Peter M. Groffman, Paul M. Mayer, E.A. Striz, and Arthur J. Gold. 2008. “Effects of Stream Restoration on Denitrification in an Urbanizing Watershed”. Ecol. Appl. 18: 789-804.
Steinweg, J. M., Melany C. Fisk, B. McAlexander, Peter M. Groffman, and J.P. Hardy. 2008. “Experimental Snowpack Reduction Alters Organic Matter and Net N Mineralization Potential of Soil Macroaggregates in a Northern Hardwood Forest”. Biology and Fertility of Soils 45: 1-10.
Dittman, J. A., Charles T. Driscoll, Peter M. Groffman, and Timothy J. Fahey. 2007. “Dynamics of Nitrogen and Dissolved Organic Carbon at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest”. Ecology 88: 1153-66.
Clough, T. J., Kelly Addy, D.Q. Kellogg, B.L. Nowicki, Arthur J. Gold, and Peter M. Groffman. 2007. “Dynamics of Nitrous Oxide in Groundwater at the Aquatic-Terrestrial Interface”. Global Change Biol. 13: 1528-37.
Judd, Kristen E., Gene E. Likens, and Peter M. Groffman. 2007. “High Nitrate Retention During Winter in Soils of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest”. Ecosystems.
Campbell, John L., Myron J. Mitchell, B. Mayer, Peter M. Groffman, and Lynn M. Christenson. 2007. “Mobility of Nitrogen-15-Labeled Nitrate and Sulfur-34-Labeled Sulfate During Snowmelt”. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71: 1934-44.
Pickett, Steward T. A., Kenneth T Belt, M.F. Galvin, Peter M. Groffman, Morgan Grove, D.C. Outen, Richard V. Pouyat, William Stack, and Mary L. Cadenasso. 2007. “Watersheds in Baltimore, Maryland: Understanding and Application of Integrated Ecological and Social Processes”. J. Contemporary Watershed Research and Application 136: 44-55.
Groffman, Peter M., P. Capel, K. Riiters, and W. Yang. 2007. “Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Landscapes”. In M. Schnepf and C. Cox (eds.). Managing Agricultural Landscapes for Environmental Quality: Strengthening the Science Base, 3-17. Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, IA.
Robertson, G. P., and Peter M. Groffman. 2007. “Nitrogen Transformations”. In E. A. Paul (ed.). Soil Microbiology, Ecology, and Biochemistry, Third Edition, 341-64. Academic Press, New York.