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Paid summer fellowships available in the Catskills

Science will help inform sound stewardship.

The Catskill Science Collaborative is accepting applications for its 2024 Fellowship Program through January 17. Fellows conduct paid summer research in the Catskills, working on research gaps identified by the DEC, DEP, USGS, and other resource managers (outlined in the RFP). Funds up to $15,000 are available per fellowship with $7,000 (+) allotted for student salary.

Research topics include: reptile distribution and habitat use; traditional ecological knowledge about native plants; visitation impacts on trails; climate change and fish populations; and ecological and economic impacts of invasive species.

Fellows generate scientific insights that inform natural resource management, while gaining scientific training in an experiential learning environment. The program strengthens relationships between natural resource managers and researchers and attracts new scientists to conduct research in the Catskills.

Who can apply: College professors and other professional scientists in collaboration with a student interested in conducting research in the Catskills, who will be the Fellow. Fellows may be either graduate or undergraduate students; preference is given to more experienced applicants.

Proposals due by January 17. If you are interested but unable to meet this deadline, let us know ASAP. There is a possibility for an extension. Questions may be directed to Joy Damon, CSC Coordinator at

2024 Request for Proposals

Looking for more insight into the experience? You can watch presentations from previous Catskill Fellows (below), or read a blog from past Fellow Cassie Roberts (Neversink Reservoir: How carbon shapes drinking water).

2023 Fellows: Final Presentations: Breeding Birds & Erosion Monitoring

2021 Fellows: Final Presentations: Freshwater Invasives & Forest Regeneration

2021 Fellows: Final Presentations: Stream Stewardship & Invasive Forest Pests

2020 Fellow: Final Presentations: Black Bears & Forest Pests

2020 Fellow: Final Presentations: Stream Restoration & Health