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Charles Canham

Canham, Charles D., Michael L. Pace, Kathleen C. Weathers, Edward W. McNeil, Barbara L. Bedford, Lora Murphy, and Scott Quinn. 2012. “Nitrogen Deposition And Lake Nitrogen Concentrations: A Regional Analysis Of Terrestrial Controls And Aquatic Linkages”. Ecosphere 3 (7). Ecological Society of America: art66. doi:10.1890/ES12-00090.1.
Levine, Carrie R., Raymond J. Winchcombe, Charles D. Canham, Lynn M. Christenson, and Margaret L. Ronsheim. 2012. “Deer Impacts On Seed Banks And Saplings In Eastern New York”. Northeast. Nat. 19: 49-66.
Crowley, Katherine F., B. E. McNeil, Gary M. Lovett, Charles D. Canham, Charles T. Driscoll, Lindsey E. Rustad, E.G. Denny, et al. 2012. “Do Nutrient Limitation Patterns Shift From Nitrogen Toward Phosphorus With Increasing Nitrogen Deposition Across The Northeastern United States?”. Ecosystems 15. Springer-Verlag: 940-957. doi:10.1007/s10021-012-9550-2.
Schnurr, Jaclyn L., Richard S. Ostfeld, and Charles D. Canham. 2012. “The Influence Of Nearest Seed Neighbors On Seed Removal In Deciduous Forests”. Northeast. Nat. 19: 43-48. doi:10.1656/045.019.0103.
Levine, Carrie R., Raymond J. Winchcombe, Charles D. Canham, Lynn M. Christenson, and Margaret L. Ronsheim. 2011. “Effects Of Deer Exclusion On Seed Banks And Sapling Regeneration In Northeast Forests”. Northeast. Nat.
Busby, P.E., and Charles D. Canham. 2011. “An Exotic Pest And Pathogen Disease Complex Reduces Aboveground Tree Biomass In Temperate Forests Of Eastern North America”. Can. J. For. Res. 41: 401-411.
Canham, Charles D., J. Thompson, J.K. Zimmerman, and Maria Uriarte. 2010. “Variation In Susceptibility To Hurricane Damage As A Function Of Storm Intensity In Puerto Rican Tree Species”. Biotropica 42: 87-94.
Thomas, R.Q., Charles D. Canham, Kathleen C. Weathers, and Christine L. Goodale. 2010. “Increased Tree Carbon Storage In Response To Nitrogen Deposition In The U.s.”. Nat. Geosci. 3: 13-17.
Comita, L.S., J. Thompson, Maria Uriarte, I. Jonckheere, Charles D. Canham, and J.K. Zimmerman. 2010. “Interactive Effects Of Land Use History And Natural Disturbance On Seedling Dynamics In A Subtropical Forest”. Ecol. Appl. 20: 1270-1284.
Katz, D. S. W., Gary M. Lovett, Charles D. Canham, and C. M. O'Reilly. 2010. “Legacies Of Land Use History Diminish Over 22 Years In A Forest In Southeastern New York”. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 137: 236-251.