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Dr. Max Glines

Landscape Ecologist/Limnologist | PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2024

845 677-7600 x228

Dr. Glines is collaborating with Dr. Kathleen Weathers at Cary Institute and Dr. Paul Hanson at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to study interactions between land cover/land use, climate, and lake surface area at the global scale. Using remote sensing data and machine learning, they seek to understand the drivers of variability in water quantity and the scales at which they are relevant.

Dr. Glines completed his PhD at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2024 under the guidance of Dr. Kevin Rose. His previous work focused on understanding variability in lake water clarity across a broad range of spatiotemporal gradients. His work made use of high-frequency aquatic sensors, satellite imagery, and machine learning modelling to assess changes in water clarity and understand them in the context of changing climate and land cover.