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Dr. Danielle Hare

Watershed Ecologist | PhD, University of Connecticut, 2022

aquatic ecology, ecosystem ecology, stream ecology, hydrology, hydrogeology

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Currently, Dr. Hare’s research focuses on studying the response of stream ecosystems to climatic and land use changes.  Her research interests are generally motivated by (1) how terrestrial-aquatic connectivity shapes water quality, (2) the spatio-temporal influence of groundwater on stream water patterns and processes; and (3) the effect of climate change on stream ecosystems. At the Cary Institute, she is collaborating with Dr. Chris Solomon, Dr. Emma Rosi, and Dr. Emily Bernhardt to evaluate trends in stream biogeochemical fluxes at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest and Dr. Solomon and Dr. Stuart Jones in lake productivity patterns across broad-scale landscapes.

Previous Research

Dr. Hare earned her PhD from the University of Connecticut in Ecosystem Ecology in the Natural Resources and Environment department, working with Dr. Ashley Helton. Her doctoral research examined how changing stream temperature affects organic carbon cycling and stream ecosystems, and methods to use stream temperature to determine groundwater connectivity to streams. Her work was part of the NSF-funded collaboration: Carbon Response to Experimental Warming in Streams (CREWS) conducted at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory. Dr. Hare received her M.S. in Geosciences from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst with Dr. David Boutt using surface water-groundwater temperature methods to help inform a process-based wetland restoration of a cranberry farm in SE Massachusetts, which has been now transitioned to the Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary, a Mass Audubon property.

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Hare, Danielle, AM Helton, CS Cummins, PM Bumpers, NJ Tomczyk, PA Rogers, SJ Wenger, ER Hotchkiss, AD Rosemond, and JP Benstead. 2024. “Leaf Litter Breakdown Phenology in Headwater Stream Networks Is Modulated by Groundwater Thermal Regimes and Litter Type”. LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY LETTERS. doi:10.1002/lol2.10423.
Rey, DM, Danielle Hare, JH Fair, and MA Briggs. 2024. “Diel Temperature Signals Track Seasonal Shifts in Localized Groundwater Contributions to Headwater Streamflow Generation at Network Scale”. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 639. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131528.