This project explores the coupled natural-human dynamics of freshwater recreational fishery landscapes. These social-ecological systems occur across the United States and the world and have tremendous cultural and economic value, yet they are vulnerable to degradation and collapse.
We are using new and existing data and models to build a synthetic understanding of the natural-human system in the Northern Highlands Lake District of Wisconsin and other recreational fishery landscapes around the world.
Our work on this project is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.
- What's New
- People
- Publications
13 May Sunny Jardine talked about FishScapes and some of her other research for an interview with the Making Waves podcast from the Society for Freshwater Science. Listen here!
20 Sept Chris is giving a talk about the FishScapes project at the University of Connecticut.
11 Sept Colin enjoyed speaking with the Fond du Lac angler’s club yesterday about the FishScapes project.
9 Sept We’re pleased to welcome to FishScapes new graduate student Camille Mosley and new postdocs Chelsey Nieman and Adam Hayes!
29 Aug Jake Ziegler’s paper using fuzzy cognitive maps to understand how stakeholders conceptualize fisheries social-ecological systems has been accepted at the International Journal of the Commons. We’ll post a link when we have it.
11 Aug Colin is giving a talk at the ESA meeting this week about his whole-lake experiment testing for non-linear relationships between angler catch and fish abundance.
20 May Corinne Johnson, Joe Pitti, and Alberto Salazar are starting the Cary Institute REU program and will be doing independent research as part of the FishScapes team. Welcome!
25 Mar The whole FishScapes crew was at Cary last week for our winter meeting – we did a lot of great science and had a lot of fun. Looking forward to this field season!
3 Dec We're hiring a postdoc! Details accessible here. Review of applications begins 15 Jan 2019.
29 Oct FishScapes graduate student Jake Ziegler successfully defended his dissertation. Congrats Dr. Ziegler!
24 Aug Surprising lack of relationship between littoral coarse woody habitat and juvenile bass mortality in a field study - details in Jake Ziegler's new paper, available in pre-print here.
13 June Stuart and Chris are in Victoria, BC for the ASLO meeting, running a session on social-ecological dynamics in aquatic ecosystems. Great set of talks from a wide variety of perspectives.
10 May The ice is off the lakes and the FishScapes field season is rolling ahead! Old and new members of the team have been working out the final kinks in sampling plans and starting to collect data. Lots of new faces and excitement!
18 Apr Marco, Stuart, Colin, and Chris ran a workshop with lake association members today at the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention. We played a simple public good game to launch what turned into a fascinating conversation about the social-ecological dynamics of the northern Wisconsin fisheries landscape and the role of lake associations in promoting sustainable fisheries.

Dr. Chris Solomon (Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies) studies fish ecology and aquatic ecosystem ecology.

Colin Dassow is a PhD candidate at the University of Notre Dame interested in feedbacks between angler behavior and fish ecology & behavior in recreational fisheries

Carolyn Iwicki is a PhD student in Ecology and Evolution at Rutgers University. Her research interests are fisheries socio-ecological systems, fisheries management, and the fisheries impacts of human activity on the US Atlantic outer continental shelf.

Dr. Marco Janssen (Arizona State University) is a mathematician who studies the interactions of behavior, institutions, and the environment, with a focus on the governance of common pool resources.

Dr. Sunny Jardine (University of Washington) is a resource and environmental economist. She studies how economic markets and institutions impact the value of ecosystem services generated in coupled human-natural systems.

Dr. Olaf Jensen (Rutgers University) is a fisheries ecologist who works to understand how management systems and ecology interact to influence sustainability in freshwater and marine fisheries.

Dr. Stuart Jones (University of Notre Dame) is an aquatic ecosystem ecologist. He is interested in scaling from fine-scale ecological processes to broad-scale ecological patterns.

Camille Mosley is a graduate student (Ph.D) studying socio-ecological relationships in recreational fisheries in the Jones lab at University of Notre Dame.

Randi Notte (Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies) is an assistant research specialist working as a research technician and lab manager for the Jones Lab at the University of Notre Dame. She recently joined the Long Lake project and is broadly interested in monitoring the effects of experimental manipulations and greater land use changes to lake water quality.zprimary emphasis on ecosystem-based fisheries management, fish habitat, and whole-lake studies.

Dr. Greg Sass (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources) is the supervisor of the Fisheries Research program in the Office of Applied Science with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. His research is focused on fisheries ecology and management with primary emphasis on ecosystem-based fisheries management, fish habitat, and whole-lake studies.

Ashley Trudeau (Rutgers University) is a PhD student studying recreational fisheries as social-ecological systems.

Dr. Brett Van Poorten (British Columbia Ministry of the Environment) studies fisheries management, angler behavior, and social-ecological interactions in recreational fisheries

Eve Whittaker studies multi-level governance and conservation in freshwater ecosystems.