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Research Publications


Boucher, Jonah. 2016. “Assessing The Effectiveness Of Landsat 8 Chlorophyll-A Retrieval Algorithms For Regional Freshwater Management”. REU Research Report.
Wynn-Grant, R. 2016. “Urban Ursus: Using Anthropogenic Parameters at Multiple Scales to Inform Conservation of a Large Carnivore”. New York: Columbia University.
Lafferriere, Natalia A. Rossi. 2016. “Population Genetic Structure and Reproductive Ecology of Crocodylus Across Local and Regional Scales”. New York: Columbia University.
Granter, Scott R., Richard S. Ostfeld, and Danny A. Milner. 2016. “Where the Wild Things Aren’t”. American Journal of Clinical Pathology 146 (6): 644-46. doi:10.1093/ajcp/aqw197.
Gephart, Jessica A., E. Rovenskaya, U. Dieckmann, Michael L. Pace, and A. Brannstrom. 2016. “Vulnerability to Shocks in the Global Seafood Trade Network”. Environmental Research Letters 11: 035008. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/3/035008.
Strayer, David L., E. Kiviat, Stuart E. G. Findlay, and Nancy Slowik. 2016. “Vegetation of Riprapped Revetments Along the Freshwater Tidal Hudson River, New York”. Aquatic Sciences 78 (3): 605-14. doi:10.1007/s00027-015-0445-0.
Kremer, Peleg, Zoe A. Hamstead, and Timon McPhearson. 2016. “The Value of Urban Ecosystem Services in New York City: A Spatially Explicit Multicriteria Analysis of Landscape Scale Valuation Scenarios”. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY 62: 57-68. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2016.04.012.
Cui, Zhengtao, C. Welty, Arthur J. Gold, Peter M. Groffman, Sujay S. Kaushal, and Andrew J. Miller. 2016. “Use of a Three-Dimensional Reactive Solute Transport Model for Evaluation of Bioreactor Placement in Stream Restoration”. Journal of Environment Quality 45 (3): 839. doi:10.2134/jeq2015.06.0330.
Smith-Ramirez, C., P. Martínez, Iván Díaz, Marcelo Galaz, and Juan J. Armesto. 2016. “Upper Canopy Pollinators of Eucryphia Cordifolia Cav., a Tree of South American Temperate Rain Forest”. Journal of Insect Biodiversity 4 (9): 1-7. doi:10.12976/jib/2016.4.9.
Pigott, David M., Anoushka I Millear, Lucas Earl, Chloe Morozoff, Barbara A. Han, Freya M Shearer, Daniel J Weiss, et al. 2016. “Updates to the Zoonotic Niche Map of Ebola Virus Disease in Africa”. ELife. doi:10.7554/eLife.16412.
Han, Barbara A., John Paul Schmidt, Laura W. Alexander, Sarah E. Bowden, David T. S. Hayman, and John M. Drake. 2016. “Undiscovered Bat Hosts of Filoviruses”. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10 (7): e0004815. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004815.
Campbell, John L., Ruth D. Yanai, Mark B. Green, Gene E. Likens, Craig R. See, Amey S. Bailey, Donald C. Buso, and Daqing Yang. 2016. “Uncertainty in the Net Hydrologic Flux of Calcium in a Paired-Watershed Harvesting Study”. Ecosphere 7 (6): e01299. doi:10.1002/ecs2.1299.
Springer, Yuri P., David Hoekman, Pieter T. J. Johnson, Paul A. Duffy, Rebecca Hufft, David T. Barnett, B. F. Allan, et al. 2016. “Tick-, Mosquito-, and Rodent-Borne Parasite Sampling Designs for the National Ecological Observatory Network”. Ecosphere 7 (5): e01271. doi:10.1002/ecs2.1271.
Ma, Jun, Yi Liu, Guangbin Yu, Hongbo Li, Shen Yu, Y. Jiang, Guilin Li, and Jinchang Lin. 2016. “Temporal Dynamics of Urbanization-Driven Environmental Changes Explored by Metal Contamination in Surface Sediments in a Restoring Urban Wetland Park”. Journal of Hazardous Materials 309: 228 -35. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.02.017.
Breyta, Rachel, Corie Samson, Marilyn Blair, Allison Black, and Gael Kurath. 2016. “Successful Mitigation of Viral Disease Based on a Delayed Exposure Rearing Strategy at a Large-Scale Steelhead Trout Conservation Hatchery”. Aquaculture 450: 213-24. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2015.07.014.
Jordan, Rebecca C., Steven A. Gray, Amanda Sorensen, Greg Newman, David Mellor, Greg Newman, CIndy Hmelo-Silver, Shannon L. LaDeau, Dawn Biehler, and Alycia Crall. 2016. “Studying Citizen Science through Adaptive Management and Learning Feedbacks As Mechanisms for Improving Conservation”. Conservation Biology 30 (3): 487-95. doi:10.1111/cobi.12659.
Chen, Xiang, Weiqi Zhou, Steward T. A. Pickett, Weifeng Li, and Lijian Han. 2016. “Spatial-Temporal Variations of Water Quality and Its Relationship to Land Use and Land Cover in Beijing, China”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13 (5): 449. doi:10.3390/ijerph13050449.
Breyta, Rachel, Allison Black, John Kaufman, and Gael Kurath. 2016. “Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity of Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus in Pacific Northwest Salmonids”. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 45: 347-58. doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2016.09.022.
Palta, Monica M., Joan G. Ehrenfeld, D. Gimenez, Peter M. Groffman, and Vandana Subroy. 2016. “Soil Texture and Water Retention As Spatial Predictors of Denitrification in Urban Wetlands”. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 101: 237-50. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.06.011.
Pierre, Suzanne, Peter M. Groffman, Mary E. Killilea, and Emily E. Oldfield. 2016. “Soil Microbial Nitrogen Cycling and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Urban Afforestation in the New York City Afforestation Project”. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 15: 149-54. doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2015.11.006.
Hinckley, Eve-lyn S., Gordon B. Bonan, Gabriel J. Bowen, Benjamin P. Colman, Paul A. Duffy, Christine L. Goodale, B. Z. Houlton, et al. 2016. “The Soil and Plant Biogeochemistry Sampling Design for The National Ecological Observatory Network”. Ecosphere 7 (3). doi:10.1002/ecs2.1234.
Clymans, Wim, D. J. Conley, J. J. Battles, Patrick J. Frings, Mary Margaret Koppers, Gene E. Likens, and Chris E. Johnson. 2016. “Silica Uptake and Release in Live and Decaying Biomass in a Northern Hardwood Forest”. Ecology 97 (11): 3044-57. doi:10.1002/ecy.1542.
Zhou, Junyu, Baojing Gu, William H. Schlesinger, and Xiaotang Ju. 2016. “Significant Accumulation of Nitrate in Chinese Semi-Humid Croplands”. Scientific Reports 6: 25088. doi:10.1038/srep25088.
Reisinger, Alexander J., J.L. Tank, T.J. Hoellein, and Robert O. Hall. 2016. “Sediment, Water Column, and Open-Channel Denitrification in Rivers Measured Using Membrane-Inlet Mass Spectrometry”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121 (5): 1258-74. doi:10.1002/2015JG003261.
McPhearson, Timon. 2016. “Scientists Must Have a Say in the Future of Cities”. NATURE 538: 165-66.
Yackulic, Charles B., and Joshua R. Ginsberg. 2016. “The Scaling of Geographic Ranges: Implications for Species Distribution Models”. Landscape Ecology 31 (6): 1195-1208. doi:10.1007/s10980-015-0333-y.
Groffman, Peter M., Morgan Grove, Colin Polsky, Neil D. Bettez, Jennifer L. Morse, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Sharon J. Hall, et al. 2016. “Satisfaction, Water and Fertilizer Use in the American Residential Macrosystem”. Environmental Research Letters 11 (3): 34004. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/3/034004.
Pace, Michael L., Ryan D. Batt, Cal D. Buelo, Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole, Jason T. Kurtzweil, and Grace M. Wilkinson. 2016. “Reversal of a Cyanobacterial Bloom in Response to Early Warnings”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (2): 352-57. doi:10.1073/pnas.1612424114.
Rosi-Marshall, Emma J., K. A. Vallis, Colden V. Baxter, and J. M. Davis. 2016. “Retesting a Prediction of the River Continuum Concept: Autochthonous Versus Allochthonous Resources in the Diets of Invertebrates”. Freshwater Science 35 (2): 534-43. doi:10.1086/686302.
Emery, Kyle A., Grace M. Wilkinson, Victor F. Camacho-Ibar, Michael L. Pace, Karen McGlathery, Jose M. Sandoval-Gil, and Julieta Hernández-López. 2016. “Resource Use of an Aquacultured Oyster (Crassostrea Gigas) in the Reverse Estuary Bahía San Quintín, Baja California, México”. Estuaries and Coasts 39 (3): 866-74. doi:10.1007/s12237-015-0021-9.
Mujica, Maria Isabel, Nicolás Saez, Mauricio Cisternas, Marlene Manzano, Juan J. Armesto, and Fernanda Pérez. 2016. “Relationship Between Soil Nutrients and Mycorrhizal Associations of Two <i>Bipinnula< i> Species (Orchidaceae) from Central Chile”. Annals of Botany 118 (1): 149-58. doi:10.1093/aob/mcw082.
Chen, Yueh-Min, Jinbo Gao, Yongqiang Yuan, Jun Ma, and Shen Yu. 2016. “Relationship Between Heavy Metal Contents and Clay Mineral Properties in Surface Sediments: Implications for Metal Pollution Assessment”. Continental Shelf Research 124: 125-33. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2016.06.002.
Crossman, Jill, Catherine Eimers, Nora J. Casson, D.A. Burns, John L. Campbell, Gene E. Likens, Myron J. Mitchell, et al. 2016. “Regional Meteorological Drivers and Long Term Trends of Winter-Spring Nitrate Dynamics across Watersheds in Northeastern North America”. Biogeochemistry 130 (3): 247-65. doi:10.1007/s10533-016-0255-z.
Reisinger, Alexander J., J.L. Tank, and Martha M. Dee. 2016. “Regional and Seasonal Variation in Nutrient Limitation of River Biofilms”. Freshwater Science 35 (2): 474-89. doi:10.1086/685829.
Sorensen, P., Pamela H. Templer, Lynn M. Christenson, Jorge Durán, Timothy J. Fahey, Melany C. Fisk, Peter M. Groffman, Jennifer L. Morse, and A.C. Finzi. 2016. “Reduced Snow Cover Alters Root-Microbe Interactions and Decreases Nitrification Rates in a Northern Hardwood Forest”. Ecology 97 (12): 3359-68. doi:10.1002/ecy.1599.
Vachon, D., Christopher T. Solomon, and P. A. del Giorgio. 2016. “Reconstructing the Seasonal Dynamics and Relative Contribution of the Major Processes Sustaining CO<sub>2< sub> Emissions in Northern Lakes”. Limnology and Oceanography 62 (2): 706-22. doi:10.1002/lno.10454.
Murphy, A. E., Kyle A. Emery, I. C. Anderson, Michael L. Pace, M. J. Brush, and J. E. Rheuban. 2016. “Quantifying the Effects of Commercial Clam Aquaculture on C and N Cycling: An Integrated Ecosystem Approach”. Estuaries and Coasts 39 (621–222): 1746-61. doi:6–1761 DOI 10.1007/s12237-016-0106-0.
Levi, Taal, Felicia Keesing, R.D. Holt, Michael Barfield, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2016. “Quantifying Dilution and Amplification in a Community of Hosts for Tick-Borne Pathogens”. Ecological Applications 26 (2): 484-98. doi:10.1890/15-0122.
Trammell, T. L. E., Diane E. Pataki, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Peter M. Groffman, Sharon J. Hall, James B. Heffernan, Sarah E. Hobbie, Jennifer L. Morse, Christopher Neill, and Kristen C. Nelson. 2016. “Plant Nitrogen Concentration and Isotopic Composition in Residential Lawns across Seven US Cities”. Oecologia 181 (1): 271-85. doi:10.1007/s00442-016-3566-9.
Adel, Milad, Alireza Babaalian Amiri, Maryam Dadar, Rachel Breyta, Gael Kurath, Bahram Laktarashi, and Amrolah Ghajari. 2016. “Phylogenetic Relationships of Iranian Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Based on the Glycoprotein Gene”. Archives of Virology 161 (3): 657-63. doi:10.1007/s00705-015-2684-8.