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Research Publications


Kabisch, Nadja, Dagmar Haase, Thomas Elmqvist, and Timon McPhearson. 2018. “Cities Matter: Workspaces in Ecosystem-Service Assessments With Decision-Support Tools in the Context of Urban Systems”. BioScience 68 (3): 164-66. doi:10.1093/biosci/bix153.
Kelly, Victoria R., Stuart E. G. Findlay, and Cornelia Harris. 2018. “Chemical Composition of Rock Salt Brine Compared With Brine from Oil and Gas Wells”. Journal of Environmental Engineering 144 (9). ASCE.
Depietri, Y., and Timon McPhearson. 2018. “Changing Urban Risk: 140 years of Climatic Hazards in New York City”. Climatic Change 148 (1-2): 95-108. doi:10.1007/s10584-018-2194-2.
Reisinger, Alexander J., Ellen Woytowitz, Emily Majcher, Emma J. Rosi, Kenneth T Belt, Jonathan M. Duncan, Sujay S. Kaushal, and Peter M. Groffman. 2018. “Changes in Long-Term Water Quality of Baltimore Streams Are Associated With Both Gray and Green Infrastructure”. Limnology and Oceanography 64 (S1): S60 - S76. doi:10.1002/lno.10947.
Keesing, Felicia, Richard S. Ostfeld, T.P. Young, and B. F. Allan. 2018. “Cattle and Rainfall Affect Tick Abundance in Central Kenya”. Parasitology 145 (3): 345-54. doi:10.1017/S003118201700155X.
Perez-Quezada, Jorge, J.L. Celis-Diez, Carla E. Brito, Aurora Gaxiola, M. C. Nuñez-Avila, Francisco Pugnaire, and Juan J. Armesto. 2018. “Carbon Fluxes from a Temperate Rainforest Site in Southern South America Reveal a Very Sensitive Sink”. Ecosphere 9 (4): e02193. doi:10.1002/ecs2.2193.
Findlay, Stuart E. G. 2018. “The Bright Side of Linking Science and Management in Large River Ecosystems: The Hudson River Case Study”. River Research and Applications 35 (5): 459-65. doi:10.1002/rra.3233.
Meixler, Marcia S., Michael J. Kennish, and Katherine F. Crowley. 2018. “Assessment of Plant Community Characteristics in Natural and Human-Altered Coastal Marsh Ecosystems”. Estuaries and Coasts 41 (1): 52-64. doi:10.1007/s12237-017-0296-0.
Hara, Yuji, Timon McPhearson, Yuki Sampei, and Brian McGrath. 2018. “Assessing Urban Agriculture Potential: A Comparative Study of Osaka, Japan and New York City, United States”. Sustainability Science 13 (4): 937-52. doi:10.1007/s11625-018-0535-8.
Boucher, Jonah, Kathleen C. Weathers, Hamid Norouzi, and B.B. Steele. 2018. “Assessing the Effectiveness of Landsat 8 Chlorophyll <i>a< i> Retrieval Algorithms for Regional Freshwater Monitoring”. Ecological Applications 28 (4): 1044-54. doi:10.1002/eap.1708.
Schlesinger, William H. 2018. “Are Wood Pellets a Green Fuel?”. Science 359 (6382): 1328-29. doi:10.1126/science.aat2305.
Sullivan, T. J., Charles T. Driscoll, C. M. Beier, D. Burtraw, I.J. Fernandez, J.N. Galloway, David A. Gay, et al. 2018. “Air Pollution Success Stories in the United States: The Value of Long-Term Observations”. Environmental Science & Policy 84: 69-73. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2018.02.016.
Mahall, Bruce E., Paul Fonteyn, R.M. Callaway, and William H. Schlesinger. 2018. “A 37-Year Experimental Study of the Effects of Structural Alterations on a Shrub Community in the Mojave Desert, California”. Journal of Ecology 106 (3): 1057-72. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12904.
Jones, S. E., Jacob A. Zwart, P.T. Kelly, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2018. “Hydrologic Setting Constrains Lake Heterotrophy and Terrestrial Carbon Fate”. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. doi:10.1002/lol2.10054.
Sabel, Jaime, Tina Vo, Ashley R. Alred, Jenny Dauer, and Cory Forbes. 2017. “Research and Teaching: Undergraduate Students’ Scientifically Informed Decision Making About Socio-Hydrological Issues”. Journal of College Science Teaching 046 (06). Informa UK Limited. doi:10.2505/4/jcst17_046_06_71.
Ostfeld, Richard S., and Alison Power. 2017. The Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology 2017. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Vol. 1399. Wiley. doi:10.1111/nyas.13243.
Lucas, Jane M., B Bill, B Stevenson, and M Kaspari. (2024) 2017. “The Microbiome of the Ant-Built Home: The Microbial Communities of a Tropical Arboreal Ant and Its Nest”. ECOSPHERE 8 (2).
Yanoviak, Stephen P., Evan M. Gora, Jeffrey M. Burchfield, Phillip M. Bitzer, and Matteo Detto. 2017. “Quantification and Identification of Lightning Damage in Tropical Forests”. Ecology and Evolution 7. Wiley-Blackwell: 5111-22. doi:10.1002/ece3.3095.
Lucas, Jane M., Evan M. Gora, and Alfonso Alonso. 2017. “A View of the Global Conservation Job Market and How to Succeed in It”. Conservation Biology 31: 1223-31. doi:10.1111/cobi.12949.
Gora, Evan M., Phillip M. Bitzer, Jeffrey C. Burchfield, Stefan A. Schnitzer, and Stephen P. Yanoviak. 2017. “Effects of Lightning on Trees: A Predictive Model Based on in Situ Electrical Resistivity”. Ecology and Evolution 7. Wiley-Blackwell: 8523-34. doi:10.1002/ece3.3347.
Morris, Jesse L, Stuart Cottrell, Christopher J Fettig, Winslow D. Hansen, L Sherriff, Vachel A Carter, Jennifer L Clear, et al. (2016) 2017. “Managing Bark Beetle Impacts on Ecosystems and Society : Priority Questions to Motivate Future Research”. Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (3): 750-60. doi:
Rose, K.C., R.A. Graves, Winslow D. Hansen, B.J. Harvey, J. Qiu, S.A. Wood, C. Ziter, and M.G. Turner. (2017) 2017. “Historical Foundations and Future Directions in Macrosystems Ecology”. Ecology Letters 20 (2). doi:
NeCamp, Timothy, Prasanna Sattigeri, Dennis Wei, Emily Ray, Youssef Drissi, Ananya Poddar, Diwakar Mahajan, et al. (2017) 2017. “ Cognitive Disease Hunter: Developing Automated Pathogen Feature Extraction from Scientific Literature”. In Data Science for Social Good Conference. Chicago, IL.
Weidel, Brian C., Katherine Baglini, Stuart E. Jones, Patrick T. Kelly, Christopher T. Solomon, and Jacob A. Zwart. 2017. “Light Climate and Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration Influence Species-Specific Changes in Fish Zooplanktivory”. Inland Waters 7 (2): 210-17. doi:10.1080/20442041.2017.1329121.
Vanni, Michael J., Peter B. McIntyre, Dennis Allen, Diane L. Arnott, Jonathan P. Benstead, David J. Berg, Åge Brabrand, et al. 2017. “A Global Database of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Excretion Rates of Aquatic Animals”. Ecology 98 (5): 1475-75. doi:10.1002/ecy.1792.
Craig, Nicola, Stuart E. Jones, Brian C. Weidel, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2017. “Life History Constraints Explain Negative Relationship Between Fish Productivity and Dissolved Organic Carbon in Lakes”. Ecology and Evolution 7 (16): 6201-9. doi:10.1002/ece3.3108.
Ziegler, Jacob P., Irene Gregory-Eaves, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2017. “Refuge Increases Food Chain Length: Modeled Impacts of Littoral Structure in Lake Food Webs”. Oikos 126 (9): 1347-56. doi:10.1111/oik.03517.
Ross, Alexander J., Brian C. Weidel, M.A. Lenker, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2017. “Evidence for Migratory Spawning Behavior by Morphologically Distinct Cisco (Coregonus Artedi) from a Small Inland Lake”. The American Midland Naturalist 178 (2): 237-44. doi:10.1674/0003-0031-178.2.237.
Cadenasso, Mary L., and Steward T. A. Pickett. 2017. “Situating Sustainability from an Ecological Science Perspective: Ecosystem Services, Resilience, and Environmental Justice”. In Situating Sustainability from an Ecological Science Perspective: Sciences Humanities Societies, Scales and Social Justice. New York: New York University Press.
Strayer, David L., and Stuart E. G. Findlay. 2017. “Ecological Performance of Hudson River Shore Zones: What We Know and What We Need to Know”. In Bilkovic, D., Mitchell, M., La Peyre, M., Toft J. Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-Based Coastal Protection. CRC Press.
Findlay, Stuart E. G., and Thomas B. Parr. 2017. “Dissolved Organic Matter”. In Methods in Stream Ecology, 21-36. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-813047-6.00002-4.
Ostfeld, Richard S. 2017. “Zoonoses: Infectious Diseases Transmissible Between Animals and Humans”. The Quarterly Review of Biology. doi:10.1086/693651.
Crowley, Katherine F., and Gary M. Lovett. 2017. “Effects of Changing Tree Species Composition on Nitrate Leaching and Carbon Storage in Northeastern Forests”. Albany, NY.: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.
Bohlman, Melissa J. 2017. “Relative Stability of Nitrogen in Soil Organic Matter Depends on Sources of Input”. Undergraduate Ecology Research Reports.
Wright, Celestina C. 2017. “Modeling the Temperature- and Nutrient-Dependence of Larval Development Rate, Egg-to-Adult Survival, and Adult Size in Culex Mosquitoes”. Undergraduate Ecology Research Reports.
Prado-ragan, Elena. 2017. “Efficacy of Various Plants As Larvicides Against Aedes Albopictus”. Undergraduate Ecology Research Reports.
McCrea, Abigail R. 2017. “Effects of Vegetation and Competition on the Development of Vector Species Aedes Albopictus and Culex Pipiens”. Undergraduate Ecology Research Reports.
Domingo, Mikayla M. 2017. “Effects of Diluted Wastewater Amendments on Dom Dynamics, Bacteria, and Phytoplankton of the Hudson River”. Undergraduate Ecology Research Reports.
Nieves, Jennifer. 2017. “Chestnut Oak (Quercus Prinus) Response to Browsing by White Tailed Deer: Implications for Carbon and Nitrogen Allocation”. Undergraduate Ecology Research Reports.
Smircich, Michael G., David L. Strayer, and Eric T. Schultz. 2017. “Zebra Mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) Affects the Feeding Ecology of Early Stage Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis) in the Hudson River Estuary”. Environmental Biology of Fishes 100 (4): 395-406. doi:10.1007/s10641-016-0555-0.