Congratulations to the winners of the 6th Annual Hudson Data Jam Competition!

Middle School
Overall Winner
"Lyme Disease Connections" by Stissing Mountain Junior High School
Level 1 Winner
"Im-Peck-Able Timing" by Oakwood Friends School
Level 2 Winner
"Zebra Mussels vs. the Hudson River Ecosystem" by the Irvington Middle School

Level 3 Winner
"How PCB Levels in Male Striped Bass Found in the Hudson River are Affected by Hurricanes" by Marymount School of New York
People's Choice Award:"Lyme Disease Connections" by Stissing Mountain Junior High School
High School
Overall Winner: "Relationships Between Fish Populations, Salinity, and Dissolved Oxygen Levels in the Lower Hudson Valley Estuaries" by Eximius College Preparatory Academy
Level 1 Winner: "Hudson River Water Temperature" by Millbrook School
Level 2 Winner: "Hurricane Sandy Investigation" by New Rochelle High School (video not available)
Level 3 Winner: "Change is Coming, Can You Smell It?" by Ossining High School
People's Choice Award: "Relationships Between Fish Populations, Salinity, and Dissolved Oxygen Levels in the Lower Hudson Valley Estuaries" by Eximius College Preparatory Academy
2019 Honorable Mentions:
Middle School:
"Muscles are Strong, but Zebra Mussels are Stronger" Poughkeepsie Day School
"Bees, Insecticides & GMOs" Irvington Middle School
"Salt Detectives" Marymount School of New York
"The Lead in Their Blood" Marymount School of New York
"To Bee or Not to Bt: That is the Question" Oakwood Friends School
"Salt Pollution in Wappinger Creek: Learning From Our Ancestors" Stissing Mountain Junior High
High School
"Air Solution" Ossining High School
"Traffic, Air Pollution, and Human Demographics in New York and Air Pollution Trends in the US" New Rochelle High School
Marist College Environmental Science Award: "Hurricane Sandy Investigation" New Rochelle High School
Best Emerging Data Jammer: "Lyme disease prevalence in NY counties" Hudson Montessori School
Best Use of Visual Arts: "Zebra Mussels in the Hudson" Woodlands Middle School
Best Climate Change Project: "Paleobotany: A Story of Allergies and Time Travel" Stissing Mountain Junior High
Best Song Adaptation: " Glass Eel-ian Rhapsody" Marymount School of New York