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Forest Stewardship Workshop: Goals, Inventory, and Planning

An Ecological Approach to Forest Stewardship: Virtual Workshop Series

In this session...

  • Setting future goals 
  • Helpful resources for developing your plan 
  • Measure the current health of your forest
  • ‘In the field’ video – Inventory and measure your forest
  • Bringing it full circle – An ecological approach to forest stewardship

This workshop series, led by Dutchess Land Conservancy Ecologist Julie Hart and Cary Institute Wildlife Biologist Mike Fargione, will explore the basics of forest ecology and stewardship. Participants will learn about the ecology and history of local forests, how to identify threats to forest health, and how to create a simple forest inventory – with a focus on using an ecological approach to set management goals.  


Forest Health Assessment


Part 1: Michael Fargione
Part 2: Julie Hart


Following list compiled by Julie Hart and Mike Fargione, 2021.  Note this list is not exhaustive and may have overlooked other useful fact-based resources. 

download pdf

Online Mapping Utilities

Dutchess County Parcel Access (parcel information, wetlands, floodplains, topography)

Dutchess County Aerial Access (historical aerial photos from 1936 to the present)

Hudson Valley Natural Resource Mapper (wetlands, forests, streams, biodiversity)

USDA Web Soil Survey (soil maps, soil properties)

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

DEC info on Private Forest Management

List of Cooperating Foresters

Woods In Your Backyard

Woods In Your Backyard Book

Woods In Your Backyard Downloadable Workbook

Information for Forest Landowners

Cornell’s Forest Connect (woodland information and resources)

Cornell’s Master Forest Owner Program

New York Forest Owners Association (information and resources)

New York Tree Farm Program (certification program for sustainable forestry)

Arbor Day Foundation

The Nature Conservancy’s Report on Forest Regeneration in New York State

Hudsonia Habitat Fact Sheets

National Wild Turkey Federation’s property management resources

USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service

Northwest Natural Resource Group

My Woodlot (activities for forest landowners)

NYC Watershed Agricultural Council (resources, incentives for landowners in NYC watershed)

Inventory and Assessment

Assessing Vegetation Impacts from Deer

Basic Forest Inventory Techniques for Family Forest Owners (Manual from Pacific Northwest)

Conducting a Simple Timber Inventory (University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture)

Forest Bird Habitat Assessment: A Guide to Integrating Bird Habitat Data into a Vermont Forest Inventory 

Habitat Assessment Guide for Pollinators in Yards, Gardens, and Parks (The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation)

Keep Forests Healthy: A Tool to Assess Forest Resilience, Health, and Productivity (The Nature Conservancy)

Invasive Species Management

Lower Hudson Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (LHPRISM)

LHPRISM’s Resource page (resources on identification and management)

Best Management Practices for Priority Invasive Plants in the Lower Hudson Valley

Tree SMART Trade

USDA’s Invasive Species Information Center

Invasipedia (species information and management recommendations)

White-tailed Deer Management

Management Plan for White-tailed Deer in New York State 2021-2030 (Draft 11/2020)

Community Deer Management Guide

Deer and Ecosystem Health

Deer Management Assistance Program (site-specific deer harvest permits for landowners) 

Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management (Research-based Wildlife Damage Management Information)


Phone Apps

iNaturalist (tool to identify plants and animals)

Seek by iNaturalist (simpler-to-use tool from iNaturalist) 


About My Woods (tool developed by the North East State Foresters Association) 

Bird Identification 


Trees and Forests

The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben

Reading the Forested Landscape by Tom Wessels 

Forest Forensics: A Field Guide to Reading the Forested Landscape by Tom Wessels

The History of The Land

Native New Yorkers: The Legacy of the Algonquin People of New York by Evan Pritchard 

Sermons in Stone: The Stone Walls of New England and New York by Susan Allport 

Stone by Stone by Robert Thorson

1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann 

Conservation and Nature 

A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold (also visit the Leopold Foundation

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer 

Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter by Ben Goldfarb

Forests Adrift: Currents Shaping the Future of Northeastern Trees by Charles D. Canham

Nature Wars by Jim Sterba

The Forest Unseen: A Year’s Watch in Nature by David George Haskell  


Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants by Doug Tallamy 

Landowners Guide to Wildlife Habitat: Forest Management for the New England Region by Richard. M. DeGraaf, Mariko Yamasaki, William B. Leak and Anna M. Lester

Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard by Doug Tallamy 

Rambunctious Garden: Saving Nature in a Post-Wild World by Emma Marris  

The Living Landscape: Designing for Beauty and Biodiversity in the Home Garden by Doug Tallamy 

Tree and Shrub Identification

Trees of North America by Frank Brockman

National Audubon Society Field Guide to Trees (Eastern Region) by Elbert L. Little

Identifying Trees by Michael D. Williams

New York State Trees and Wildflowers (folding pocket guide) by James Kavanagh

Sibley’s Common Trees of Trails and Forests of the Northeast and Upper Midwest by David Allen Sibley

Peterson Field Guide to Eastern Trees by Roger Tory Peterson

The Sibley Guide to Trees by David Allen Sibley

Bark: A Field Guide to Trees of the Northeast by Michael Wojtech


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