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Forest Stewardship Workshop: Ecology & History of Northeast Forests

An Ecological Approach to Forest Stewardship: Virtual Workshop Series

In this session, discover...

  • Why are forests important?
  • It’s a scale thing (space and time) 
  • The parts are all connected
  • Succession – Nature does not stand still
  • How land use history has shaped today’s forests

Our forests provide important services such as clean air and water, flood control, natural cooling, supplemental income, scenic views, and sites for outdoor recreation. But did you know that three-quarters of New York’s forested lands are privately owned? This means that anyone who owns or manages forested lands can influence the health and future of this important resource for everyone.  

Your management decisions can impact surrounding ecosystems, with effects for people, wildlife, and natural resources. Our upcoming workshop series – An Ecological Approach to Forest Stewardship – will give you the tools you need to understand how your decisions influence forest health and function, and how you can help steward this critical resource.

This workshop series, led by Dutchess Land Conservancy Ecologist Julie Hart and Cary Institute Wildlife Biologist Mike Fargione, will explore the basics of forest ecology and stewardship. Participants will learn about the ecology and history of local forests, how to identify threats to forest health, and how to create a simple forest inventory – with a focus on using an ecological approach to set management goals.   


Part 1-Julie Hart
Part 2-Michael Fargione


$450K DEC grant opportunity for eligible private forest landowners
Private landowners who own between 10 and 1,000 acres of forest land in New York State may apply for grant awards ranging from a minimum of $3,000 to a maximum of $50,000.

DEC Press release

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