Based on the research of Gary Lovett and colleagues
Though not in the news as much as it once was, acid rain—more correctly called “acid deposition” because it also involves snow, fog, particles, and gases—remains a problem in our region.
How it’s formed
Most of our energy needs are derived from burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gasoline. Power plants, factories, and vehicles give off sulfur and nitrogen oxide emissions, which react in the atmosphere to form sulfuric and nitric acids. These acids make their way back to the landscape in raindrops, snowflakes, fog, dew, and atmospheric particles.
Pollutants can travel hundreds of miles from their source, contaminating lakes, forests, and other natural areas. Because the Hudson Valley lies downwind of major Midwestern power plants, the region receives high levels of acid deposition.
How it harms
Acid rain harms plants by stripping essential nutrients, such as calcium and magnesium, from leaves and soil. Sugar maple and red spruce are particularly vulnerable. When acid rain percolates through the soil, it releases aluminum from soil minerals. Not only does this aluminum damage plant roots, but it pollutes nearby water bodies and harms fish by interfering with the function of their gills. Other aquatic animals, such as frogs and salamanders, are also susceptible to elevated levels of acidity and aluminum.
The road to recovery
In recent years, the acid rain problem has improved thanks to federal regulations that have reduced the emissions of the acid-forming pollutants from power plants. However, because there are still many acidified lakes and streams in the Northeast, particularly in the Catskill and Adirondack Mountains, further emission reductions will be needed to allow their recovery.
Cary Institute scientists have conducted important research on acid rain and its effects for decades. In addition, Cary Institute has monitored the chemistry of precipitation since 1983 as a part of its Environmental Monitoring Program.