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Microbes to Mountains: Interactions and Functions Across Ecosystem Scales


On Thursday, May 1 @ 11am ET, join Cary Institute for a virtual scientific seminar by Dr. Aimée Classen, University of Michigan. How much carbon will terrestrial ecosystems hold or flux back to the atmosphere in the future? The answer to this question remains uncertain, in part, because we are not yet good at predicting how soil and plant-soil systems will respond to climatic change across scales. Soil organisms mineralize terrestrial carbon and associate/infect plants to alter plant production and nutrient acquisition. These microbe-plant-soil-atmosphere interactions may vary with geography, season, and global change driver.

Classen will discuss work from gradients, warming and snowmelt experiments, and experiments across mountain regions to explore how the carbon cycle, and the interactions that underlie the carbon cycle, will respond to warming.

Free and open to all. Registration required via Eventbrite.
