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B Oberle

Njoroge, DM, GGO Dossa, D Schaefer, J Zuo, MD Ulyshen, S Seibold, Amy Zanne, et al. 2024. “The Effects of Invertebrates on Wood Decomposition across the World”. BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS. doi:10.1111/brv.13134.
Lee, M, , B Oberle, F Unda, SD Mansfield, R Dalrymple, J Rigg, WK Cornwell, and Amy Zanne. 2022. “Initial Wood Trait Variation Overwhelms Endophyte Community Effects for Explaining Decay Trajectories”. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY 36: 1243-57. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.14025.
, M Blyton, B Oberle, GL Powell, J Rigg, D Young, and Amy Zanne. 2021. Extraction and Purification of DNA from Wood at Various Stages of Decay for Metabarcoding of Wood-Associated Fungi. PLANT MICROBIOME. Vol. 2232. 999 RIVERVIEW DR, STE 208, TOTOWA, NJ 07512-1165 USA: HUMANA PRESS INC. doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-1040-4_10.
Falster, D, R Gallagher, EH Wenk, IJ Wright, D Indiarto, SC Andrew, C Baxter, et al. 2021. “AusTraits, a Curated Plant Trait Database for the Australian Flora”. SCIENTIFIC DATA 8. doi:10.1038/s41597-021-01006-6.
Oberle, B, MR Lee, JA Myers, OL Osazuwa-Peters, MJ Spasojevic, ML Walton, DF Young, and Amy Zanne. 2020. “Accurate Forest Projections Require Long-Term Wood Decay Experiments Because Plant Trait Effects Change through Time”. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 26: 864-75. doi:10.1111/gcb.14873.
Lee, MR, B Oberle, W Olivas, DF Young, and Amy Zanne. 2020. “Wood Construction More Strongly Shapes Deadwood Microbial Communities Than Spatial Location over 5 Years of Decay”. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 22: 4702-17. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.15212.
Lustenhouwer, N, DS Maynard, MA Bradford, DL Lindner, B Oberle, Amy Zanne, and TW Crowther. 2020. “A Trait-Based Understanding of Wood Decomposition by Fungi”. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 117: 11551-58. doi:10.1073/pnas.1909166117.
Lee, MR, , B Oberle, WK Cornwell, M Lyons, JL Rigg, and Amy Zanne. 2019. “Good Neighbors Aplenty: Fungal Endophytes Rarely Exhibit Competitive Exclusion Patterns across a Span of Woody Habitats”. ECOLOGY 100. doi:10.1002/ecy.2790.
Oberle, B, K Ogle, Amy Zanne, and CW Woodall. 2018. “When a Tree Falls: Controls on Wood Decay Predict Standing Dead Tree Fall and New Risks in Changing Forests”. PLOS ONE 13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0196712.
Oberle, B, KR Covey, KM Dunham, EJ Hernandez, ML Walton, DF Young, and Amy Zanne. 2018. “Dissecting the Effects of Diameter on Wood Decay Emphasizes the Importance of Cross-Stem Conductivity in <i>Fraxinus americana< I&gt”;. ECOSYSTEMS 21: 85-97+. doi:10.1007/s10021-017-0136-x.