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IJ Wright

Richards, AE, IJ Wright, TI Lenz, and Amy Zanne. 2014. “Sapwood Capacitance Is Greater in Evergreen Sclerophyll Species Growing in High Compared to Low-Rainfall Environments”. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY 28: 734-44. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12193.
Zanne, Amy, DC Tank, WK Cornwell, JM Eastman, SA Smith, RG FitzJohn, DJ McGlinn, et al. 2014. “Three Keys to the Radiation of Angiosperms into Freezing Environments”. NATURE 506: 89-++. doi:10.1038/nature12872.
Zanne, Amy, DC Tank, WK Cornwell, JM Eastman, SA Smith, RG FitzJohn, DJ McGlinn, et al. 2014. “Three Keys to the Radiation of Angiosperms into Freezing Environments (vol 506, Pg 89, 2014)”. NATURE 514: 394-94. doi:10.1038/nature13842.
Cornwell, WK, M Westoby, DS Falster, RG FitzJohn, BC O’Meara, MW Pennell, DJ McGlinn, et al. 2014. “Functional Distinctiveness of Major Plant Lineages”. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 102: 345-56.
Choat, B, S Jansen, TJ Brodribb, H Cochard, S Delzon, R Bhaskar, SJ Bucci, et al. 2012. “Global Convergence in the Vulnerability of Forests to Drought”. NATURE 491: 752-++. doi:10.1038/nature11688.
Kattge, J, S Díaz, S Lavorel, C Prentice, P Leadley, G Bönisch, E Garnier, et al. 2011. “TRY - a Global Database of Plant Traits”. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 17: 2905-35. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02451.x.
Wright, SJ, K Kitajima, NJB Kraft, PB Reich, IJ Wright, DE Bunker, R Condit, et al. 2010. “Functional Traits and the Growth-Mortality Trade-off in Tropical Trees”. ECOLOGY 91: 3664-74.