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LJ Chapman

Chapman, CA, LJ Chapman, TT Struhsaker, Amy Zanne, CJ Clark, and . 2005. “A Long-Term Evaluation of Fruiting Phenology: Importance of Climate Change”. JOURNAL OF TROPICAL ECOLOGY 21: 31-45+. doi:10.1017/S0266467404001993.
Chapman, CA, LJ Chapman, Amy Zanne, , and CJ Clark. 2005. “A 12-Year Phenological Record of Fruiting: Implications for Frugivore Populations and Indicators of Climate Change”. Tropical Fruits and Frugivores: The Search for Strong Interactors. PO BOX 17, 3300 AA DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS: SPRINGER.
Chapman, CA, LJ Chapman, K Vulinec, Amy Zanne, and MJ Lawes. 2003. “Fragmentation and Alteration of Seed Dispersal Processes: An Initial Evaluation of Dung Beetles, Seed Fate, and Seedling Diversity”. BIOTROPICA 35: 382-93.
Chapman, CA, LJ Chapman, Amy Zanne, and MA Burgess. 2002. “Does Weeding Promote Regeneration of an Indigenous Tree Community in Felled Pine Plantations in Uganda?”. RESTORATION ECOLOGY 10: 408-15.
Zanne, Amy, B Keith, CA Chapman, and LJ Chapman. 2001. “Protecting Terrestrial Mammal Communities: Potential Role of Pine Plantations”. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 39: 399-401+.
Chapman, CA, LJ Chapman, L Kaufman, and Amy Zanne. 1999. “Potential Causes of Arrested Succession in Kibale National Park, Uganda: Growth and Mortality of Seedlings”. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 37: 81-92+.
Chapman, CA, RW Wrangham, LJ Chapman, DK Kennard, and Amy Zanne. 1999. “Fruit and Flower Phenology at Two Sites in Kibale National Park, Uganda”. JOURNAL OF TROPICAL ECOLOGY 15: 189-211+.