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CA Chapman

Osazuwa-Peters, OL, CA Chapman, and Amy Zanne. 2015. “Selective Logging: Does the Imprint Remain on Tree Structure and Composition After 45 Years?”. CONSERVATION PHYSIOLOGY 3. doi:10.1093/conphys/cov012.
Osazuwa-Peters, OL, I Jiménez, B Oberle, CA Chapman, and Amy Zanne. 2015. “Selective Logging: Do Rates of Forest Turnover in Stems, Species Composition and Functional Traits Decrease With Time since Disturbance? - A 45 Year Perspective”. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 357: 10-21+. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2015.08.002.
Chapman, CA, K Kitajima, Amy Zanne, LS Kaufman, and MJ Lawes. 2008. “A 10-Year Evaluation of the Functional Basis for Regeneration Habitat Preference of Trees in an African Evergreen Forest”. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 255: 3790-96. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2008.03.016.
Chapman, CA, LJ Chapman, TT Struhsaker, Amy Zanne, CJ Clark, and . 2005. “A Long-Term Evaluation of Fruiting Phenology: Importance of Climate Change”. JOURNAL OF TROPICAL ECOLOGY 21: 31-45+. doi:10.1017/S0266467404001993.
Zanne, Amy, and CA Chapman. 2005. “Diversity of Woody Species in Forest, Treefall Gaps, and Edge in Kibale National Park, Uganda”. PLANT ECOLOGY 178: 121-39. doi:10.1007/s11258-004-2562-z.
Zanne, Amy, CA Chapman, and K Kitajima. 2005. “Evolutionary and Ecological Correlates of Early Seedling Morphology in East African Trees and Shrubs”. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 92: 972-78.
Chapman, CA, LJ Chapman, Amy Zanne, , and CJ Clark. 2005. “A 12-Year Phenological Record of Fruiting: Implications for Frugivore Populations and Indicators of Climate Change”. Tropical Fruits and Frugivores: The Search for Strong Interactors. PO BOX 17, 3300 AA DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS: SPRINGER.
Chapman, CA, LJ Chapman, K Vulinec, Amy Zanne, and MJ Lawes. 2003. “Fragmentation and Alteration of Seed Dispersal Processes: An Initial Evaluation of Dung Beetles, Seed Fate, and Seedling Diversity”. BIOTROPICA 35: 382-93.
Chapman, CA, LJ Chapman, Amy Zanne, and MA Burgess. 2002. “Does Weeding Promote Regeneration of an Indigenous Tree Community in Felled Pine Plantations in Uganda?”. RESTORATION ECOLOGY 10: 408-15.
Zanne, Amy, and CA Chapman. 2001. “Expediting Reforestation in Tropical Grasslands: Distance and Isolation from Seed Sources in Plantations”. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS 11: 1610-21.