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Amy Zanne

Cornwell, WK, JHC Cornelissen, SD Allison, J Bauhus, P Eggleton, CM Preston, F Scarff, JT Weedon, C Wirth, and Amy Zanne. 2009. “Plant Traits and Wood Fates across the Globe: Rotted, Burned, or Consumed?”. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 15: 2431-49. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01916.x.
Weedon, JT, WK Cornwell, JHC Cornelissen, Amy Zanne, C Wirth, and DA Coomes. 2009. “Global Meta-Analysis of Wood Decomposition Rates: A Role for Trait Variation Among Tree Species?”. ECOLOGY LETTERS 12: 45-56+. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01259.x.
Moles, AT, DI Warton, L Warman, NG Swenson, SW Laffan, Amy Zanne, A Pitman, FA Hemmings, and MR Leishman. 2009. “Global Patterns in Plant Height”. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 97: 923-32. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01526.x.
Chapman, CA, K Kitajima, Amy Zanne, LS Kaufman, and MJ Lawes. 2008. “A 10-Year Evaluation of the Functional Basis for Regeneration Habitat Preference of Trees in an African Evergreen Forest”. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 255: 3790-96. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2008.03.016.
Zanne, Amy, SS Lower, ZG Cardon, and CM Orians. 2006. “15N Partitioning in Tomato: Vascular Constraints Versus Tissue Demand”. FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY 33: 457-64. doi:10.1071/FP05299.
Zanne, Amy, K Sweeney, M Sharma, and CM Orians. 2006. “Patterns and Consequences of Differential Vascular Sectoriality in 18 Temperate Tree and Shrub Species”. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY 20: 200-206+. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2435.2006.01101.x.
Ellmore, GS, Amy Zanne, and CM Orians. 2006. “Comparative Sectoriality in Temperate Hardwoods: Hydraulics and Xylem Anatomy”. BOTANICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 150: 61-71+.
Chapman, CA, LJ Chapman, TT Struhsaker, Amy Zanne, CJ Clark, and . 2005. “A Long-Term Evaluation of Fruiting Phenology: Importance of Climate Change”. JOURNAL OF TROPICAL ECOLOGY 21: 31-45+. doi:10.1017/S0266467404001993.
Zanne, Amy, and CA Chapman. 2005. “Diversity of Woody Species in Forest, Treefall Gaps, and Edge in Kibale National Park, Uganda”. PLANT ECOLOGY 178: 121-39. doi:10.1007/s11258-004-2562-z.
Zanne, Amy, CA Chapman, and K Kitajima. 2005. “Evolutionary and Ecological Correlates of Early Seedling Morphology in East African Trees and Shrubs”. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 92: 972-78.