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Amy Zanne

Cornwell, WK, WD Pearse, RL Dalrymple, and Amy Zanne. 2019. “What We (don’t) Know about Global Plant Diversity”. ECOGRAPHY 42: 1819-31. doi:10.1111/ecog.04481.
Archibald, S, CER Lehmann, CM Belcher, WJ Bond, RA Bradstock, AL Daniau, KG Dexter, et al. 2018. “Biological and Geophysical Feedbacks With Fire in the Earth System”. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS 13. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa9ead.
Zanne, Amy, WD Pearse, WK Cornwell, DJ McGlinn, IJ Wright, and JC Uyeda. 2018. “Functional Biogeography of Angiosperms: Life at the Extremes”. NEW PHYTOLOGIST 218: 1697-1709+. doi:10.1111/nph.15114.
Oberle, B, K Ogle, Amy Zanne, and CW Woodall. 2018. “When a Tree Falls: Controls on Wood Decay Predict Standing Dead Tree Fall and New Risks in Changing Forests”. PLOS ONE 13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0196712.
Plomion, C, JM Aury, J Amselem, T Leroy, F Murat, S Duplessis, S Faye, et al. 2018. “Oak Genome Reveals Facets of Long Lifespan”. NATURE PLANTS 4: 440-52. doi:10.1038/s41477-018-0172-3.
Cheesman, AW, LA Cernusak, and Amy Zanne. 2018. “Relative Roles of Termites and Saprotrophic Microbes As Drivers of Wood Decay: A Wood Block Test”. AUSTRAL ECOLOGY 43: 257-67. doi:10.1111/aec.12561.
Oberle, B, KR Covey, KM Dunham, EJ Hernandez, ML Walton, DF Young, and Amy Zanne. 2018. “Dissecting the Effects of Diameter on Wood Decay Emphasizes the Importance of Cross-Stem Conductivity in <i>Fraxinus americana< I&gt”;. ECOSYSTEMS 21: 85-97+. doi:10.1007/s10021-017-0136-x.
McCormack, ML, DL Guo, CM Iversen, WL Chen, DM Eissenstat, CW Fernandez, L Li, et al. 2017. “Building a Better Foundation: Improving Root-Trait Measurements to Understand and Model Plant and Ecosystem Processes”. NEW PHYTOLOGIST 215: 27-37+. doi:10.1111/nph.14459.
Osazuwa-Peters, OL, SJ Wright, and Amy Zanne. 2017. “Linking Wood Traits to Vital Rates in Tropical Rainforest Trees: Insights from Comparing Sapling and Adult Wood”. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 104: 1464-73. doi:10.3732/ajb.1700242.
Gleason, Sean M., Mark Westoby, Steven Jansen, Brendan Choat, Tim J. Brodribb, Hervé Cochard, Sylvain Delzon, et al. 2016. “On Research Priorities to Advance Understanding of the safety–efficiency Tradeoff in Xylem”. New Phytologist 211 (4). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: 1156-58. doi: