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G.A. Lamberti

Hoellein, T.J., J.L. Tank, S.A. Entrekin, Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, M.L. Stephen, and G.A. Lamberti. 2012. “Effects Of Benthic Habitat Restoration On Nutrient Uptake And Ecosystem Metabolism In Three Headwater Streams”. River Res. Appl 28 (9): 1451-1461. doi:10.1002/rra.1547.
Entrekin, S.A., J.L. Tank, Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, T.J. Hoellein, and G.A. Lamberti. 2009. “Response Of Secondary Production By Macroinvertebrates To Large Wood Addition In Three Michigan Streams”. Freshwater Biol. 54: 1741-1758.
Entrekin, S.A., J.L. Tank, Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, T.J. Hoellein, and G.A. Lamberti. 2008. “Responses In Organic Matter Accumulation And Processing To An Experimental Wood Addition In Three Headwater Streams”. Freshwater Biology 53 (8): 1642 - 1657. doi:10.1111/fwb.2008.53.issue-810.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.01984.x.
Cordova, Jean M., Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, J.L. Tank, and G.A. Lamberti. 2008. “Coarse Particulate Organic Matter Transport In Low-Gradient Streams Of The Upper Peninsula Of Michigan”. Journal Of The North American Benthological Society 27 (3): 760 - 771. doi:10.1899/06-119.1.
Entrekin, S.A., Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, J.L. Tank, T.J. Hoellein, and G.A. Lamberti. 2007. “Macroinvertebrate Secondary Production In 3 Forested Streams Of The Upper Midwest, Usa”. Journal Of The North American Benthological Society 26 (3): 472 - 490. doi:10.1899/06-071.1.
Cordova, Jean M., Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, A. M. Yamamuro, and G.A. Lamberti. 2007. “Quantity, Controls And Functions Of Large Woody Debris In Midwestern Usa Streams”. River Research And Applications 23 (1): 21 - 33. doi:10.1002/(ISSN)1535-146710.1002/rra.v23:110.1002/rra.963.
Hoellein, T.J., J.L. Tank, Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, S.A. Entrekin, and G.A. Lamberti. 2007. “Controls On Spatial And Temporal Variation Of Nutrient Uptake In Three Michigan Headwater Streams”. Limnology And Oceanography 52 (5): 1964 - 1977. doi:10.4319/lo.2007.52.5.1964.
Rosi-Marshall, Emma J., Ashley H. Moerke, and G.A. Lamberti. 2006. “Ecological Responses To Trout Habitat Rehabilitation In A Northern Michigan Stream”. Environmental Management 38 (1): 99 - 107. doi:10.1007/s00267-005-0177-3.
Stelzer, R. S., and G.A. Lamberti. 2002. “Ecological Stoichiometry In Running Waters: Periphyton Chemical Composition And Snail Growth”. Ecology 83: 1039-1051.
Frost, P. C., R. S. Stelzer, G.A. Lamberti, and J.J. Elser. 2002. “Ecological Stoichiometry Of Trophic Interactions In The Benthos: Understanding The Role Of C:n:p Ratios In Lentic And Lotic Habitats”. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 21: 515-528.