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Winslow Hansen

Hansen, Winslow D., W.H. Romme, A. Ba, and M.G. Turner. (2016) 2016. “Shifting Ecological Filters Mediate Postfire Expansion Of Seedling Aspen (Populus Tremuloides) In Yellowstone”. Forest Ecology And Management 362: 218-230. doi:
Hansen, Winslow D. (2014) 2014. “Generalizable Principles For Ecosystem Stewardship-Based Management Of Social-Ecological Systems: Lessons Learned From Alaska”. Ecology And Society 19(4): 13. doi:10.5751/ES-06907-190413.
Hansen, Winslow D., and H.T. Naughton. (2013) 2013. “Social And Ecological Determinants Of Land Clearing In The Brazilian Amazon: A Spatial Analysis”. Land Economics 89 (4): 699-721. doi:10.3368/le.89.4.699.
Hansen, Winslow D., T.J. Brinkman, M. Leonawicz, and G.P. Kofinas. (2013) 2013. “Changing Daily Wind Speeds On Alaska's North Slope: Implications For Rural Hunting Opportunities”. Arctic 66 (4): 448-458, . doi:
Hansen, Winslow D., and H.T. Naughton. (2013) 2013. “The Effects Of A Spruce Bark Beetle Outbreak And Wildfires On Property Values In The Wildland-Urban Interface Of South-Central Alaska, Usa”. Ecological Economics 96: 141-154. doi:
Hansen, Winslow D., Todd J. Brinkman, Stuart Chapin, and Caroline Brown. (2013/03//AD) 2013. “Meeting Indigenous Subsistence Needs: The Case For Prey Switching In Rural Alaska”. Human Dimensions Of Wildlife 18 (2): 109-123, . doi:10.1080/10871209.2012.719172.