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Stuart Jones

Oleksy, Isabella, Christopher T. Solomon, Stuart E. Jones, Carly Olson, Brittni L. Bertolet, Rita Adrian, Sheel Bansal, et al. 2024. “Controls on Lake Pelagic Primary Productivity: Formalizing the Nutrient-Color Paradigm”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 129 (12). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: e2024JG008140+. doi:
Ziegler, Jacob P., Stuart E. Jones, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2019. “Local Stakeholders Understand Recreational Fisheries As Social-Ecological Systems But Do Not View Governance Systems As Influential for System Dynamics”. International Journal of the Commons 13 (2). Ubiquity Press, Ltd.: 1035-48. doi:10.5334/ijc.945.
Weidel, Brian C., Katherine Baglini, Stuart E. Jones, Patrick T. Kelly, Christopher T. Solomon, and Jacob A. Zwart. 2017. “Light Climate and Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration Influence Species-Specific Changes in Fish Zooplanktivory”. Inland Waters 7 (2): 210-17. doi:10.1080/20442041.2017.1329121.
Craig, Nicola, Stuart E. Jones, Brian C. Weidel, and Christopher T. Solomon. 2017. “Life History Constraints Explain Negative Relationship Between Fish Productivity and Dissolved Organic Carbon in Lakes”. Ecology and Evolution 7 (16): 6201-9. doi:10.1002/ece3.3108.