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Alan Berkowitz

Harris, Cornelia, Angelita Alvarado, Alan R. Berkowitz, and Celia Cuomo. 2013. “Data Explorations In Ecology: What Do Students Know, And Need To Know, In Order To Make Environmental Citizenship Decisions?”. In North American Association Of Environmental Education Research Symposium.
Harris, Cornelia, Alan R. Berkowitz, K. Notin, and M.A. McLean. 2013. “Beyond Eco-Footprints: Using The Stem Process To Guide School Greening”. Green Teacher.
Jordan, Rebecca C., Wesley R. Brooks, Steven A. Gray, Jacqueline R. DeLisi, and Alan R. Berkowitz. 2013. “Rising To The “Broader Impacts” Challenge”. Frontiers In Ecology And The Environment 11 (5): 234 - 235. doi:10.1890/13.WB.013.
McBride, B. B., C.A. Brewer, Alan R. Berkowitz, and W. T. Borrie. 2013. “Environmental Literacy, Ecological Literacy, Ecoliteracy: What Do We Mean And How Did We Get Here?”. Ecosphere 4 (5): art67. doi:10.1890/ES13-00075.1.
Harris, Cornelia, Alan R. Berkowitz, Jennifer Doherty, and Laurel Hartley. 2013. “Exploring Biodiversity's Big Ideas In Your School Yard”. Science Scope 36 (8). National Science Teachers Association: 20-27.
Harris, Cornelia, Alan R. Berkowitz, and Angelita Alvarado. 2012. “Data Explorations In Ecology: Salt Pollution As A Case Study For Teaching Data Literacy”. The American Biology Teacher 74 (7): 479 - 484. doi:10.1525/abt.2012.74.7.9.
Osmond, D., N. Nadkarni, Charles T. Driscoll, E. Andrews, Arthur J. Gold, Broussard Allred, Alan R. Berkowitz, et al. 2010. “The Role Of Interface Organizations In Science Communication And Understanding”. Front. Ecol. Environ. 8: 306-313.
Harris, Cornelia, K. Notin, and Alan R. Berkowitz. 2009. “Ecosystem Literacy: Using The Classroom And Schoolyard To Teach About The Ecosystems That Support Life”. The Science Teachers Bulletin, Science Teachers of New York State.
Mourad, T., R. Rino, Alan R. Berkowitz, A. Finley, and J. Ramos. 2009. “Trail Blazers In Transforming The Culture Of Ecology”. Bulletin Of The Ecological Society Of America 90: 103-108.
Jordan, Rebecca C., F. Singer, J. Vaughan, and Alan R. Berkowitz. 2009. “What Should Every Citizen Know About Ecology?”. Front. Ecol. Environ.. doi:10.1890/070113.