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Josef Kellndorfer

Thieme, Michele, Bernhard Lehner, Robin Abell, Stephen K. Hamilton, Josef Kellndorfer, George Powell, and Juan Carlos Riveros. 2007. “Freshwater Conservation Planning In Data-Poor Areas: An Example From A Remote Amazonian Basin (Madre De Dios River, Peru And Bolivia)”. Biological Conservation 135 (4): 484-501. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2006.10.054.
Hamilton, Stephen K., Josef Kellndorfer, Bernhard Lehner, and Mathias Tobler. 2007. “Remote Sensing Of Floodplain Geomorphology As A Surrogate For Biodiversity In A Tropical River System (Madre De Dios, Peru)”. Geomorphology 89 (1-2): 23-38. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.07.024.