Monica Turner
Rammer, Werner, Kristin H. Braziunas, Winslow D. Hansen, Zak Ratajczak, Anthony L. Westerling, Monica G. Turner, and Rupert Seidl. 2021. “Widespread Regeneration Failure in Forests of Greater Yellowstone under Scenarios of Future Climate and Fire”. Global Change Biology 27 (18). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: 4339-51. doi:
Albrich, Katharina, Werner Rammer, Monica G. Turner, Zak Ratajczak, Kristin H. Braziunas, Winslow D. Hansen, and Rupert Seidl. (2020) 2020. “Simulating Forest Resilience: A Review”. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (12): 2082-96. doi:
Hansen, Winslow D., Diane Abendroth, Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl, and Monica G. Turner. (2020) 2020. “Can Wildland Fire Management Alter 21st-Century Subalpine Fire and Forests in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA?”. Ecological Applications 30 (2). doi:10.1002/eap.2030.
Hoecker, Tyler J., Winslow D. Hansen, and Monica G. Turner. 2020. “Topographic Position Amplifies Consequences of Short-Interval Stand-Replacing Fires on Postfire Tree Establishment in Subalpine Conifer Forests”. Forest Ecology and Management 478: 118523+. doi:
Turner, Monica G., John Calder, Graeme Cumming, Terry Hughes, Anke Jentsch, Shannon L. LaDeau, Timothy Lenton, et al. 2020. “Climate Change, Ecosystems and Abrupt Change: Science Priorities”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 375: 20190105. doi:10.1098/rstb.2019.0105.
Turner, Monica G., Kristin H. Braziunas, Winslow D. Hansen, and Brian J. Harvey. 2019. “Short-Interval Severe Fire Erodes the Resilience of Subalpine Lodgepole Pine Forests”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (23): 11319-28. doi:
Hansen, Winslow D., and Monica G. Turner. (2019) 2019. “Origins of Abrupt Change? Postfire Subalpine Conifer Regeneration Declines Nonlinearly With Warming and Drying”. Ecological Monographs 89 (1). doi:
Braziunas, Kristin H., Winslow D. Hansen, Rupert Seidl, Werner Rammer, and Monica G. Turner. 2018. “Looking Beyond the Mean: Drivers of Variability in Postfire Stand Development of Conifers in Greater Yellowstone”. Forest Ecology and Management 430: 460-71. doi:
Hansen, Winslow D., Kristin H. Braziunas, Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl, and Monica G. Turner. 2018. “It Takes a Few to Tango: Changing Climate and Fire Regimes Can Cause Regeneration Failure of Two Subalpine Conifers”. Ecology 99 (4): 966-77. doi:
Pickett, Steward T. A., Mary E. Power, S.L. Collins, J.B. Baron, David W. Inouye, and Monica G. Turner. 2015. “Earth Stewardship: An Initiative by the Ecological Society of America to Foster Engagement to Sustain Planet Earth”. In R. Rozzi, F.S. Chapin, III, J. Baird Callicott, S.T.A. Pickett, M.E. Power, J.J. Armesto, and R.H. May, Jr. Earth Stewardship: Linking Ecology and Ethics in Theory and Practice., 2:173-94. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-12133-8_12.