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Matthew Van de Bogert

Solomon, Christopher T., D. A. Bruesewitz, D.C. Richardson, Kevin C. Rose, Matthew C. Van de Bogert, Paul C. Hanson, Timothy K. Kratz, et al. 2013. “Ecosystem Respiration: Drivers of Daily Variability and Background Respiration in Lakes Around the Globe”. Limnology and Oceanography 58. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc.: 849–866. doi:10.4319/lo.2013.58.3.0849.
Van de Bogert, Matthew C., Darren L. Bade, Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole, Michael L. Pace, Paul C. Hanson, and Owen C. Langman. 2012. “Spatial Heterogeneity Strongly Affects Estimates of Ecosystem Metabolism in Two North Temperate Lakes”. Limnology and Oceanography 57 (6): 1689-1700. doi:10.4319/lo.2012.57.6.1689.
Cole, Jonathan J., Darren L. Bade, D. Bastviken, Michael L. Pace, and Matthew C. Van de Bogert. 2010. “Multiple Approaches to Estimating Air-Water Gas Exchange in Small Lakes”. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods 8: 285-93.
Staehr, Peter A., Darren L. Bade, Matthew C. Van de Bogert, G.R. Koch, Craig E. Williamson, Paul C. Hanson, Jonathan J. Cole, and Timothy K. Kratz. 2010. “Lake Metabolism and the Diel Oxygen Technique: State of the Science”. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods 8: 628-44.
Bastviken, D., Jonathan J. Cole, Michael L. Pace, and Matthew C. Van de Bogert. 2008. “Fates of Methane from Different Lake Habitats: Connecting Whole-Lake Budgets and CH4 Emissions”. J. Geophys. Res. 113: Art.No.G02024.
Bade, Darren L., Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole, Michael L. Pace, E.S. Kritzberg, Matthew C. Van de Bogert, R.M. Cory, and D.M. McKnight. 2007. “Sources and Fates of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Lakes As Determined by Whole-Lake Carbon Isotope Additions”. Biogeochemistry 84: 115-29.
Van de Bogert, Matthew C., Stephen R. Carpenter, Jonathan J. Cole, and Michael L. Pace. 2007. “Assessing Pelagic and Benthic Metabolism Using Free Water Measurements”. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods 5: 145-55.
Cole, Jonathan J., Stephen R. Carpenter, Michael L. Pace, Matthew C. Van de Bogert, J.F. Kitchell, and James R. Hodgson. 2006. “Differential Support of Lake Food Webs by Three Types of Terrestrial Organic Carbon”. Ecol. Lett. 9: 558-68.
Carpenter, Stephen R., Jonathan J. Cole, Michael L. Pace, Matthew C. Van de Bogert, Darren L. Bade, D. Bastviken, C.M. Gille, James R. Hodgson, J.F. Kitchell, and E.S. Kritzberg. 2005. “Ecosystem Subsidies: Terrestrial Support of Aquatic Food Webs from 13C Addition to Contrasting Lakes”. Ecology 86: 2737-50. 2005.pdf.
Pace, Michael L., Jonathan J. Cole, Stephen R. Carpenter, J.F. Kitchell, James R. Hodgson, Matthew C. Van de Bogert, Darren L. Bade, E.S. Kritzberg, and D. Bastviken. 2004. “Whole Lake Carbon-13 Additions Reveal Terrestrial Support of Aquatic Food Webs”. Nature 427: 240-43.