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Emma Rosi-Marshall

Tank, J.L., Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, N.A. Griffiths, S.A. Entrekin, and M.L. Stephen. 2010. “A Review Of Allochthonous Organic Matter Dynamics And Metabolism In Streams”. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 29: 118-146.
Pouyat, Richard V., Kathleen C. Weathers, Richard Haeuber, Gary M. Lovett, A.M. Bartuska, Lynn M. Christenson, Stuart E. G. Findlay, et al. 2010. “The Role Of Federal Agencies In The Application Of Scientific Knowledge”. Front. Ecol. Environ. 8: 322-328.
Hoellein, T.J., J.L. Tank, John J. Kelly, and Emma J. Rosi-Marshall. 2010. “Seasonal Variation In Nutrient Limitation Of Microbial Biofilms Colonizing Organic And Inorganic Substrata In Streams”. Hydrobiologia 649: 331-345.
Cross, Wyatt F., Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, Kathrine E. Behn, Theodore A. Kennedy, Robert O. Hall, A.E. Fuller, and Colden V. Baxter. 2010. “Invasion And Production Of New Zealand Mud Snails In The Colorado River, Glen Canyon”. Biol. Invasions 12: 3033-3043. doi:10.1007/s10530-010-9694-y.
Tank, J.L., Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, Todd V. Royer, M.R. Whiles, N.A. Griffiths, T.C. Frauendorf, and D.J. Treering. 2010. “Occurrence Of Maize Detritus And A Transgenic Insecticidal Protein (Cry1Ab) Within The Stream Network Of An Agricultural Landscape”. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 107: 17645-17650. doi:10.1073/pnas.1006925107.
Griffiths, N.A., J.L. Tank, Todd V. Royer, Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, M.R. Whiles, C.P. Chambers, T.C. Frauendorf, and M.A. Evans-White. 2009. “Rapid Decomposition Of Maize Detritus In Agricultural Headwater Streams”. Ecological Applications 19 (1): 133 - 142. doi:10.1890/07-1876.1.
Entrekin, S.A., J.L. Tank, Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, T.J. Hoellein, and G.A. Lamberti. 2009. “Response Of Secondary Production By Macroinvertebrates To Large Wood Addition In Three Michigan Streams”. Freshwater Biol. 54: 1741-1758.
Hoellein, T.J., J.L. Tank, Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, and S.A. Entrekin. 2009. “Temporal Variation Of Substratum-Specific Rates Of N Uptake And Metabolism And Their Relative Contribution At The Stream-Reach Scale”. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 28: 305-318.
Griffiths, N.A., J.L. Tank, Todd V. Royer, C.P. Chambers, M.A. Evans-White, T.C. Frauendorf, Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, and M.R. Whiles. 2009. “Microbial Respiration And Decomposition Of Conventional And Genetically-Engineered Corn Detritus In Midwestern Us Agricultural Streams”. Ecol. Appl. 19: 133-142.
Warrner, T. J., Todd V. Royer, J.L. Tank, N.A. Griffiths, Emma J. Rosi-Marshall, and M.R. Whiles. 2009. “Dissolved Organic Carbon In Streams From Artificially Drained And Intensively Farmed Watersheds In Indiana, Usa”. Biogeochemistry 95: 295-307.