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V.T. Eviner

Chapin, F. S., V.T. Eviner, L.M. Talbot, B.A. Wilcox, D.R. Magness, C.A. Brewer, and D.S. . Keebler. 2008. “Disease Effects On Landscape And Regional Systems: A Resilience Framework”. In R. S. Ostfeld, F. Keesing, And V. Eviner (Eds.). Infectious Disease Ecology: Effects Of Ecosystems On Disease And Of Disease On Ecosystems, 284-303. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Ostfeld, Richard S., Felicia Keesing, and V.T. Eviner. 2008. “The Ecology Of Infectious Diseases: Progress, Challenges, And Frontiers”. In R. S. Ostfeld, F. Keesing, And V. Eviner (Eds.). Infectious Disease Ecology: Effects Of Ecosystems On Disease And Of Disease On Ecosystems, 469-482. Princeton University Press.
Eviner, V.T., and Gene E. Likens. 2008. “Effects Of Pathogens On Terrestrial Ecosystem Function”. In R. S. Ostfeld, F. Keesing, And V. Eviner (Eds.). Infectious Disease Ecology: Effects Of Ecosystems On Disease And Of Disease On Ecosystems, 260-283. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Keesing, Felicia, Richard S. Ostfeld, and V.T. Eviner. 2008. “Infectious Disease Ecology: Effects Of Ecosystems On Disease And Of Disease On Ecosystems-Introduction”. In R. S. Ostfeld, F. Keesing, And V. Eviner (Eds.). Infectious Disease Ecology: Effects Of Ecosystems On Disease And Of Disease On Ecosystems, 1-5. Princeton University Press.
Eviner, V.T., and M.K. Firestone. 2007. “Nutrient Dynamics In California Annual Grasslands”. In M. Stromberg, J. Corbin, And C. D’antonio (Eds.). California Grasslands: Ecology And Management. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.
Uriarte, Maria, Holly A. Ewing, V.T. Eviner, and Kathleen C. Weathers. 2007. “Constructing A Broader And More Inclusive Value System In Science”. Bioscience 57: 71-78.
Uriarte, Maria, Kathleen C. Weathers, and V.T. Eviner. 2006. “Power Clashes Limit Science And Reflect Archaic Values”. Nature 439: 18.
Eviner, V.T., F. S. Chapin III, and C.E. Vaughn. 2006. “Seasonal Variations In Plant Species Effects On Soil N And P Dynamics”. Ecology 87: 974-986.
Strayer, David L., V.T. Eviner, Jonathan M. Jeschke, and Michael L. Pace. 2006. “Understanding The Long-Term Effects Of Species Invasions”. Trends Ecol. Evol. 21: 645-651.
Eviner, V.T. 2005. “Agroecology: Providing An Ecological Tool Box To Benefit Agriculture And The Environment”. Millbrook Matters.