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Clive Jones

Jones, Clive G. 2010. “Out Of The Desert Toward The Promised Land: Moshe Shachak And The Past, Present And Future Of Ecosystem Engineering”. Israel Society of Ecology and Environmental Sciences Website.
Dajoz, I., M. Blouin, and Clive G. Jones. 2010. “Ecological Engineering Group: A Network Supporting Development Of Ecological Engineering In France”. Activity Report, 2009-2010. CNRS/CEMAGREF Interdisciplinary ecological engineering program.
Jones, Clive G. 2010. “The Ecological Engineering Initiative At Agroparistech”. Progress Report, September-December 2009. AgroParisTech, Paris, France.
Jones, Clive G. 2010. “Nature, Heritage And Humanity: Toward A Sustained Balance At Ramat Hanadiv”. Report on the programs, Ramat Hanadiv, Israel.
Barbosa, O., P.A. Marquet, L.D. Bacigalupe, D. A. Christie, E. del-Val, A. G. Gutiérrez, Clive G. Jones, Kathleen C. Weathers, and Juan J. Armesto. 2010. “Interactions Among Patch Area, Forest Structure And Water Fluxes In A Fog-Inundated Forest Ecosystem In Semiarid Chile”. Funct. Ecol 24: 909-917. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2435.2010.01697.x.
Jones, Clive G., Jorge L. Gutiérrez, J.E. Byers, J.A. Crooks, J.G. Lambrinos, and T.S. Talley. 2010. “A Framework For Understanding Physical Ecosystem Engineering By Organisms”. Oikos 119: 1862-1869.
Schauber, E.M., M. J. Connors, B. J. Goodwin, Clive G. Jones, and Richard S. Ostfeld. 2009. “Quantifying A Dynamic Risk Landscape: Heterogeneous Predator Activity And Implications For Prey Persistence”. Ecology 90: 240-251.
Neill, Christopher, T. Daufresne, and Clive G. Jones. 2009. “A Competitive Coexistence Principle?”. Oikos 118: 1570-1578.
Firn, R.D., and Clive G. Jones. 2009. “A Darwinian View Of Metabolism: Molecular Properties Determine Fitness”. J. Exp. Bot. 60: 719-726. doi:10.1093/jxb/erp002.
Jones, Clive G., I. Dajoz, and L. Abbadie. 2008. “Ecological Engineering And The Sustainable Redesign Imperative”. In L. Garnier (Ed.). Between Man And Nature: Making The Relationship Last, 138-139. Réserves de biosphére - Notes techniques 3 - 2008, UNESCO, Paris.