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Kathryn Sieving

Díaz, I. A., Kathryn E. Sieving, M.E. Peña-Foxon, and Juan J. Armesto. 2012. “A Field Experiment Links Forest Structure And Biodiversity: Epiphytes Enhance Canopy Invertebrates In Chilean Forests”. Ecosphere 3 (1). Ecological Society of America: art5.
Díaz, I. A., Kathryn E. Sieving, M.E. Peña-Foxon, J. Larrain, and Juan J. Armesto. 2010. “Epiphyte Diversity And Biomass Loads Of Canopy Emergent Trees In Chilean Temperate Rain Forests: A Neglected Functional Component”. For. Ecol. Manage 259: 1490-1501.
Schmidt, Kenneth, E. Lee, Richard S. Ostfeld, and Kathryn E. Sieving. 2008. “Eastern Chipmunks Increase Their Perception Of Predation Risk In Response To Titmouse Alarm Calls”. Behavioral Ecology 19: 759-763.
Díaz, I. A., Juan J. Armesto, S. Reid, Kathryn E. Sieving, and Mary Willson. 2005. “Linking Forest Structure And Composition: Avian Diversity In Successional Forests Of Chiloé Island, Chile”. Biol. Conserv. 123: 91-101.
DeSanto, T. L., Mary Willson, Kathryn E. Sieving, and Juan J. Armesto. 2002. “Nesting Biology Of Tapaculos (Family Rhinocryptidae) In Fragmented South-Temperate Rainforests Of Chile”. The Condor 104: 482-495.