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E.R. Landa

Villena, Oswaldo, Ivana Terry, Kayoko Iwata, E.R. Landa, Shannon L. LaDeau, and Paul Leisnham. 2017. “Effects Of Tire Leachate On The Invasive Mosquito Aedes Albopictus And The Native Congener Aedes Triseriatus. Peerj 5: e3756. doi:10.7717/peerj.3756.
Szlavecz, K., Richard V. Pouyat, W. Carroll, S.M. Lev, Peter M. Groffman, R. Casey, and E.R. Landa. 2009. “Urban Soil Fauna And Ecosystem Services: Examples From The Baltimore Ecosystem Study”. J. Nematology 41: 383-384.