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J. Pergl

Robertson, P. A., A. Mill, A. Novoa, J. M. Jeschke, F. Essl, B. Gallardo, J. Geist, et al. (2024) 2020. “A Proposed Unified Framework to Describe the Management of Biological Invasions”. Biological Invasions 22 (9): 2633-45.
Strayer, David L., C. M. D’Antonio, Franz Essl, Mike S. Fowler, Juergen Geist, Sabine Hilt, Ivan Jaric, et al. 2017. “Boom-Bust Dynamics in Biological Invasions: Towards an Improved Application of the Concept”. Ecology Letters 20 (10 Suppl. 3): 1337-50. doi:10.1111/ele.12822.
Davis, Mark A., J. Pergl, A.M. Truscott, J. Kollmann, J.P. Bakker, R. Domenech, K. Prach, et al. 2005. “Vegetation Change: A Reunifying Concept in Plant Ecology”. Perspect. Plant. Ecol. 7: 69-76.