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Gary Lovett

Wallace, Z. P., Gary M. Lovett, J.E. Hart, and B. Machona. 2007. “Effects Of Nitrogen Saturation On Tree Growth And Death In A Mixed-Oak Forest”. For. Ecol. Manage 243: 210-218.
Chapin, F. S., G.M. Woodwell, J.T. Randerson, E.B. Rastetter, Gary M. Lovett, Jonathan J. Cole, M.L. Goulden, et al. 2006. “Reconciling Carbon-Cycle Concepts, Terminology, And Methods”. Ecosystems 9: 1041-1050.
Pardo, Linda H., Pamela H. Templer, Christine L. Goodale, S. Duke, Peter M. Groffman, and Gary M. Lovett. 2006. “Regional Assessment Of N Saturation Using Foliar And Root Delta N-15”. Biogeochemistry 80: 143-171.
Weathers, Kathleen C., Samuel M. Simkin, Gary M. Lovett, and S.E. Lindberg. 2006. “Empirical Modeling Of Atmospheric Deposition In Mountainous Landscapes”. Ecol. Appl. 16: 1590-1607.
Lovett, Gary M., Charles D. Canham, Mary A. Arthur, Kathleen C. Weathers, and Ross D. Fitzhugh. 2006. “Forest Ecosystem Responses To Exotic Pests And Pathogens In Eastern North America”. Bioscience 56: 395-405.
Lovett, Gary M., Jonathan J. Cole, and Michael L. Pace. 2006. “Is Net Ecosystem Production Equal To Ecosystem Carbon Accumulation?”. Ecosystems 9: 152-155.
Lovett, Gary M., Clive G. Jones, Monica G. Turner, and Kathleen C. Weathers. 2005. “Conceptual Frameworks: Plan For A Half-Built House.”. In G. M. Lovett, C. G. Jones, M. G. Turner, And K. C. Weathers (Eds.). Ecosystem Function In Heterogeneous Landscapes, 463-470. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc..
Lovett, Gary M., Clive G. Jones, Monica G. Turner, and Kathleen C. Weathers. 2005. “Ecosystem Function In Heterogeneous Landscapes”. In G. M. Lovett, C. G. Jones, M. G. Turner, And K. C. Weathers (Eds.). Ecosystem Function In Heterogeneous Landscapes, 1-4. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc..
Lovett, Gary M., and J.E. Hart. 2005. “Monitoring The Deposition And Effects Of Air Pollution In The Hudson Valley, Ny”. Final Report 05-01. New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Albany, New York.
Burns, D.A., Michael R. McHale, Charles T. Driscoll, Gary M. Lovett, Kathleen C. Weathers, Myron J. Mitchell, and K.M. Roy. 2005. “An Assessment Of Recovery And Key Processes Affecting The Response Of Surface Waters To Reduced Levels Of Acid Precipitation In The Adirondack And Catskill Mountains”. Final Report 05-03. New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Albany, New York.