Stuart Findlay
Kelly, Victoria R., Stuart E. G. Findlay, Stephen K. Hamilton, Gary M. Lovett, and Kathleen C. Weathers. 2019. “Seasonal and Long-Term Dynamics in Stream Water Sodium Chloride Concentrations and the Effectiveness of Road Salt Best Management Practices”. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 230 (1). doi:10.1007/s11270-018-4060-2.
Kelly, Victoria R., Mary Ann Cunningham, Neil Curri, Stuart E. G. Findlay, and Sean M. Carroll. 2018. “The Distribution of Road Salt in Private Drinking Water Wells in a Southeastern New York Suburban Township”. Journal of Environment Quality 47 (3): 445. doi:10.2134/jeq2017.03.0124.
Strayer, David L., Christopher T. Solomon, Stuart E. G. Findlay, and Emma J. Rosi. 2018. “Long-Term Research Reveals Multiple Relationships Between the Abundance and Impacts of a Non-Native Species”. Limnology and Oceanography 64 (S1): S105 - S117. doi:10.1002/lno.11029.
Kelly, Victoria R., Stuart E. G. Findlay, and Cornelia Harris. 2018. “Chemical Composition of Rock Salt Brine Compared With Brine from Oil and Gas Wells”. Journal of Environmental Engineering 144 (9). ASCE.
Gutiérrez, Jorge L., Clive G. Jones, P.D. Ribiero, Stuart E. G. Findlay, and Peter M. Groffman. 2018. “Crab Burrowing Limits Surface Litter Accumulation in a Temperate Salt Marsh: Implications for Ecosystem Functioning and Connectivity”. Ecosystems 21 (5): 1000-1012. doi:10.1007/s10021-017-0200-6.
Findlay, Stuart E. G. 2018. “The Bright Side of Linking Science and Management in Large River Ecosystems: The Hudson River Case Study”. River Research and Applications 35 (5): 459-65. doi:10.1002/rra.3233.
Findlay, Stuart E. G., and Thomas B. Parr. 2017. “Dissolved Organic Matter”. In Methods in Stream Ecology, 21-36. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-813047-6.00002-4.
Strayer, David L., and Stuart E. G. Findlay. 2017. “Ecological Performance of Hudson River Shore Zones: What We Know and What We Need to Know”. In Bilkovic, D., Mitchell, M., La Peyre, M., Toft J. Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-Based Coastal Protection. CRC Press.
Hamberg, Jonas, Stuart E. G. Findlay, K. E. Limburg, and Stewart E.W. Diemont. 2017. “Post-Storm Sediment Burial and Herbivory of <i>Vallisneria americana< i> in the Hudson River Estuary: Mechanisms of Loss and Implications for Restoration”. Restoration Ecology 25 (4): 629-39. doi:10.1111/rec.12477.
Findlay, Stuart E. G. 2016. “Stream Microbial Ecology in a Changing Environment”. In Stream Ecosystems in a Changing Environment, 135-50. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-405890-3.00003-8.