James Rusak
Richardson, D.C., Stephanie Melles, Rachel Pilla, Amy L. Hetherington, Lesley Knoll, Craig E. Williamson, Benjamin Kraemer, et al. 2017. “Transparency, Geomorphology and Mixing Regime Explain Variability in Trends in Lake Temperature and Stratification across Northeastern North America (1975–2014)”. Water 953 (6): 442. doi:10.3390/w9060442.
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Woolway, Iestyn, Ian D. Jones, Stephen C. Maberly, Jon R. French, D.M. Livingstone, Donald T. Monteith, Gavin L. Simpson, et al. 2016. “Diel Surface Temperature Range Scales With Lake Size”. PLOS ONE 11 (3): e0152466. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152466.
Solomon, Christopher T., Stephen R. Carpenter, Jake Vander Zanden, and James A. Rusak. 2008. “Long-Term Variation in Isotopic Baselines and Implications for Estimating Consumer Trophic Niches”. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 2191-2200. doi:10.1139/F08-125.
Carpenter, Stephen R., Barbara J. Benson, Reinette Biggs, Jonathan W. Chipman, Jonathan A. Foley, Shaun A. Golding, Roger B. Hammer, et al. 2007. “Understanding Regional Change: A Comparison of Two Lake Districts”. BioScience 57: 323-35. doi:10.1641/B570407.